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(All Mights Pov)

I jumped from building to building.

The wind blowing my cape from beneath me.

My eyes caught sight of the villains' hideout, engulfed in a fierce blaze, with flames reaching up towards the night sky.

The flames were a mix of orange and yellow. From a distance I could see thick layer of smoke surrounded the building.

I could see the police, that surrounded the base all coughing struggling to breathe from the smoke.

As I got closer and closer to the base, the smoke slowly filled my lung making me cough every now and then.

'It really was a bad idea to leave Young L/n by herself'

I jumped into the hole we left from breaking into their base and i saw Y/n with her flames in her left hand, water in her right and she used her feet to control the earth.

She looked beat up blood ran down the side of her face.

As for Shigaraki, Not a scratch

I manoeuvre through the fire, lifting my cape to my nose to prevent some smoke from entering my lungs.

I attempted to get closer to the fight with Shigaraki and y/n to see when the perfect time would be to surprise attack Shigaraki and save y/n

Suddenly, my attention was drawn towards Shigaraki.

His eyes were burning with a murderous intent as he charged unrelentingly towards y/n. His every move echoed the deadly determination that was etched on his face, strongly signaling his readiness to kill.

I was ready to jump in to help y/n, but it looked like she didn't need help.

Y/n, despite her injuries, stood her ground firmly. She manipulated the earth beneath her, creating a wall of rock to shield herself from Shigaraki's charge. But he was relentless and broke through the barrier with brute force, lunging towards her.

In response, y/n released a powerful burst of water from her right hand, aiming directly at Shigaraki. He skidded back, momentarily losing his balance. Seizing this moment, y/n launched herself at Shigaraki, her left hand aflame.

She struck him with a swift, fiery punch that sent him sprawling. The flames licked at his clothes, and he quickly rolled on the ground to extinguish them.

Shigaraki, now visibly enraged, got back on his feet and charged again. But y/n was ready. She manipulated the earth beneath her once more, this time creating a series of sharp, jagged rocks that jutted up from the ground in Shigaraki's path.

He tried to dodge them, but he was too late. He stumbled, and y/n took this opportunity to launch another water attack. The force of the water hit him square in the chest, and he was sent flying back.

As Shigaraki struggled to regain his footing, y/n stood tall, her eyes filled with determination. Despite her injuries, she was not backing down.

I admit, I was wrong for not offering help, but it brought me joy to see how much y/n had grown.

She's only been at this school for a month.

Initially, she was shy, self-conscious, and barely spoke.

Despite that, I developed a soft spot for her. Seeing her improvement made me feel like a successful teacher for once.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I saw Shigaraki rushing towards Y/n, his hand poised to collide with Y/n's face.



Sorry dis was short pookies

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