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(Y/n's Pov)

"DO NOT FEAR!! BECAUSE I AM HERE," All Might says with his usual proud smile and both his fists resting on his waist

His cape blew in the wind that somehow always followed him.

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Bakugo says as he walks through the big hole All Might punches through the wall. Somehow All Might's cape stopped blowing.

All Might took his fists off his waist before turning to Bakugo.

"Young Bakugo?! You aren't supposed to be here"

"Shush, All Might, I'm here for Y/n. It's my fault she's here in the first place."

"Well you're kinda cramping my style-"

"You don't have style, All Might. You're too old for that," Bakugo stated, warming up his arms in preparation for the fight.

"In all seriousness, Young Bakugo, you have to go. It's too dangerous for you here."

"You damn heroes," Shigaraki growls as he itches his neck with one hand "Always ruining my plans," he says before starting to scratch at his neck more aggressively "Always heroes!!" Shigaraki bellows and he itches both sides of his neck with both hands

Then Shigaraki stops itching before charging aiming his crusty hand at Bakugo. I immediately jumped up from my seat and started to run towards Shigaraki before he could touch Bakugo I kicked him in the side.

Shigaraki went flying and crashed into the barricaded wall.

"You brat!!" he spat at me before somehow coming behind me with his hand about to touch my neck

By this time all the league villains have run off to hide and save themselves.

Bakugo gave a powerful explosion aimed at Shigaraki's hand before All Might delivered a punch to Shigaraki's stomach causing him to cough up blood.

Shigaraki got up before going to attack Bakugo, but before Shigaraki had the chance I broke out of my chains and was now doing hand-to-hand combat with the crusty man.

Bakugo was about to help me fight, but All Might had picked him up and carried him to the hill we were at before I got kidnapped.

(Bakugo's Pov)

I kicked and screamed at All Might to put me down I even went as far as to use my quirk on him, but it's All Might i should've known my quirk would have no effect on him. All Might finally put me down and it was the same hill I took y/n to but the only difference was all the people below us were gone.

They probably were forced to evacuate due to the villain fight. My eyes widened at the realisation.


"She won't I trust Young L/n to defend herself"


"Young Bakugo!!"


"For starters stop shouting"

I kept quiet and I look down not daring to make eye contact.

"And put some trust in your classmates, she's not helpless, and if you haven't noticed the entire police force had surrounded the league base."

"Now stay here I'll sort it out" All Might with a smile before nodding and then putting a thumbs up.

All Might jumped off the cliff and you could see him leaping through the sky.

I kissed my teeth

'Stay here my ass.'

I think to myself before jumping off the cliff and then using my explosions to fly me to the villain's base.


bad chapter guys ik Im having rlly bad writer block 😓😓

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