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(Y/n's Pov)

I bursted out my dorm room running down the hallways struggling to put on my tie.

I had overslept.

'Its bad enough i was already late to school but on my second day is crazy'

i rushed into the common room and i was met with a panicked midoriya also fiddling with his tie and there was a piece of toast in his mouth.

i snatched my bag that was resting in the common room couch and opened the door. I turned my head to see if midoriya ready only for him speed past me.

'what the fuck..'

i paused for a second tryna process what just happened but i brushed it off and walked to school at a slow and steady pace. Well if im already late might as well take my time ill just say i got lost around campus im new so it's understandable

i ended up entering the class earlier then expected i even thought id make it in time.

As i reached the door i caught sight of Bakugo walking to the door aswell.

Bakugo gave me a glare to which i rolled my eyes too in response.

I was about to open the door but was interupted by the sound of the bell which meant i was late.

I already had a reason as too why i was late more like a convincing lie but as long as it gets me out of a detention i dont care what it is as for Bakugo...yeah cant lie hes on his own

I slowly opened the door and imediatly my eyes met with an aggravated ectoplasm. This was my first class with him and i wasn't really making a very good impression.

'well damn already a teacher who doesn't like me'

"Ill see both of you after school"

Once ectoplasm said that i smirked knowing i wouldn't be sitting in that detention room by the end of today

'Ha imagine how angry bakugo must be'

I slightly rotated my head around only to see an unfazed Bakugo.

'huh...not the reaction I was expecting'

I turned back around to face ectoplasm and i decided to unleash my secret weapon

My convincing lie

"Sir im sorry for being late but i'm still new I didn't know my way around and I got lost very sorry" i say while slightly bowing my head to show respect

"You were late to my lesson so you will be sitting the detention"

'is he taking the piss?!'

i immediatly stand up straight, not bowing anymore at hearing ectoplasm's response

"Sir I was 2 seconds late"

bakugo still kept quiet

"no excuses if your late you're late now sit down"

"Nah with all due respect sir how can I get a detention from coming literally 2 seconds after the bell like I get if its 5 minutes, but me being 'late' wasn't even to 5 seconds it was 2. It my second day i've never been to your class before how can you expect me to know where i'm going"

"If i recall we gave you a timetable of where all your classes would be and you came after the bell rang which means you are late doesn't matter how long ago you were late"


(Bakugo's Pov)

'damnit i shouldn't have spent all that time in the music room now i got late. ill just skip the detention not that deep now but why's this idiot fighting so hard to not get a detention she's really doing too much'

"YOU ARE LATE NOW SIT DOWN" ectoplasm shouted

"now why are you shouting it did not get to the point" y/n said to ectoplasm which made me laugh a little bit


"Oh shut up" i snapped back


"we haven't even been in this class for 5 minutes"

y/n said with a giggle

"THEN SIT DOWN BOTH OF YOU!!" ectoplasm was shouting so loud his voice started crack

Seeing ectoplasm so angry always made me laugh and it seems like it makes y/n laugh aswell becuase we both started cackling right infront of him.


"nooo were sorry we'll sit down" i said still laughing while y/n used her right hand to clutch her stomach and her left to wipe the tears that were forming in her eyes

"such a pissy pants" y/n said with a giggle referring to ectoplasm, which made me howl in laughter, before sitting in her seat which was next to icy hot.

i just sighed a smile still lingering on my lips as i sat at my seat plotting how to skip my detention without any teachers noticing

I rested my jaw on the palm of my hand and turned to face the window grinning from ear to ear from how funny it was making ectoplasm angry with y/n. My smile instantly dropped when i saw y/n and half n half in the reflection of the window. Their knees were touching and y/n's hand was resting on his shoulder.

They have been getting really close recently. If y/n wasn't with Mina she would be with icy hot.

I furrowed my brows and squinted my eyes as the reflection i was seeing in the window. Half n half took y/n's pen and y/n tried to snatch it back all while giggling and Half n half did the same, but while keeping the pen away from her.

I know it really wasn't any of my business and I really shouldn't care.

But for some unknown reason the sight

made my blood boil.


Guys dont lie i made dis chapter kinda long im proud of myself alsooo dwww d chapter will get more intrusive i promsid

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