Part 4

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The next morning, Gulf woke up late because it was his day off. The delicious smell of breakfast drew him to the kitchen right after his shower. His heart warmed when he saw Ja cooking his favorite porridge, which he always ate when he felt sad.

"P, you're awake," Ja said as he approached Gulf and kissed him on the forehead. He told Gulf that he had taken the day off and wanted to take him on a date to make up for yesterday.

"Are you sure? You said the interns need you. You must be busy," Gulf said, worried that Ja was sacrificing work for him.

"Of course. You're more important than them, P," Ja assured him. They ate breakfast and were getting ready for the date when Gulf received a call. When he returned, he was pouting.

"What's wrong, P?" Ja asked, holding Gulf's hand.

"The school asked me to settle some documents. This means we have to cancel the date again," Gulf said sadly, having looked forward to the date.

"That's okay, P. How about I pick you up after work and we go straight to our favorite restaurant?" Ja suggested, trying to lift Gulf's mood. It worked as Gulf began to smile.

"Maybe I can stop by the office to finish a few things too," Ja said, taking his phone and heading to the car. Ja then drove Gulf to his school and went to his office afterward.

Gulf quickly settled his documents. He had forgotten to tell Ja that he would be moving to a bigger school with a higher salary. Gulf decided he would tell Ja during dinner. Just a few minutes before Gulf finished, it started raining. Gulf called Ja, but there was no answer. He thought maybe Ja had forgotten his phone but remembered Ja had taken it with him. Gulf tried again but still no answer. He went to the main door and saw it was raining heavily.

"Where are you, Ja?" Gulf tried calling again and again but got no answer. His phone's battery was low, so before it shut down, he left a voicemail for Bright.

"Bright, I need help. I'm at school, and it's raining heavily. Please pick me up," Gulf said, frustrated as his phone died. He wanted to cry but knew it wasn't the time. After almost an hour with no sign of Bright, Gulf decided to walk to the main road.

"I have no other choice," Gulf told himself, running towards the main road. After almost ten minutes, he still couldn't see the main road and was cold.

"Hey!" Gulf turned around, shocked to see the same guy as yesterday. The guy ran towards him, so Gulf ran again, even though his legs were giving out. He tried not to cry but couldn't stop the tears. He was scared. The guy caught up and pulled Gulf's hand harshly.

"We meet again!" The guy smiled, but Gulf was terrified. His eyes felt heavy. He was cold and tired.

"Hey! Let him go!" A voice shouted. The guy, startled, ran away, pushing Gulf to the ground. Gulf couldn't see who it was as he lost consciousness.

"Bright?" Gulf managed to call out. The silhouette quickly picked him up and shook his body.

"Gulf? Stay with me, dear," the voice said, but Gulf fainted before he could see who it was.

"P, I'm sorry, but you should stop doing all of this," Ja said stoically. Gulf had been chasing him for two years, and Ja was annoyed.

"But, Ja... How can I stop when I like you so much? You should expect this when you're this handsome," Gulf said with a bright smile that could melt anyone but Ja.

"First of all, I'm not your friend to be called by name. Second, I don't like this. You're older than me, so act like it. I don't like clingy people. Stop being a burden to me," Ja said, turning around and leaving Gulf in silence. He didn't get to saw Gulf's teary eyes.

After the incident, Gulf no longer sent lunchboxes, chocolates, or flowers to Ja. Ja no longer saw Gulf hanging around his class or received spam messages from him. Ja felt relieved but also missed Gulf's presence a bit.

A week later, Ja saw Gulf sitting alone on a bench. Hesitant, he approached Gulf and sat beside him. Ja gets the hint that Gulf was upset because of his grade seeing how Gulf keep saying he did not study well enough. After a few minutes, Gulf stopped crying and noticed Ja's presence.

"Are you done crying?" Ja offered a handkerchief. Gulf looked up, and Ja was struck by his face. He never noticed how cute Gulf was. Gulf quickly stood up and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Nong. I didn't notice you were there. I should be going now," Gulf said, packing his things and leaving.

"Wait, what did you just call me?" Ja stood up, feeling hurt when Gulf called him Nong and not by his name.

"I called you Nong. That's what you wanted, right? I'll stay away from you so I won't be a burden," Gulf said, turning around, but Ja pulled him into a hug.

"I don't want to be just Nong to you. I'm sorry for everything I said. I don't know what my feelings are right now, but I know I don't want to be just Nong to you," Ja confessed.


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