Part 24

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Gulf was stunned by Bright's confession. He pulled his hand away from Bright's grasp.

"Bright, I—" Gulf started, but Bright cut him off.

"Be my boyfriend?" Bright offered, making Gulf surprised. He didn't know what to say, afraid of hurting his friend's feelings.

Bright smiled, seeing the clear rejection on Gulf's face. He knew Gulf never had feelings for him, but it was worth a try.

"You can't accept me, right? But I won't blame you. Even I don't want you to be with me," Bright scratched the back of his head, smiling.

"Then... why now?" Gulf furrowed his brow.

"To show you the differences between me and P'Kao. I love you, Gulf, but I have to admit that my business is above everything else. I can't abandon everything for one person. If you had called me yesterday, I wouldn't have been able to answer because I was in a meeting. But P'Kao would have answered your call. He would abandon everything for you because he puts you above everything else," Bright softly explained to Gulf. His best friend is a lecturer but sometimes slower than his students.

Gulf sat silently, trying to comprehend Bright's words. Bright saw that Gulf was in a dilemma. Honestly, he didn't know why Gulf was so scared to accept his feelings for Kao. Bright heard some footsteps outside and held Gulf's hands softly.

"Maybe you need some more awakening on how different he is." Bright suddenly stood up and embraced Gulf. Gulf was surprised by the sudden move but stayed still.

A click was heard, and Gulf saw Kao come into the ward, smiling while bringing his lunch. Kao saw them hugging, so he quietly placed the tray on the bedside. He then moved to the corner and waited for them to finish hugging. Bright pulled away from Gulf's hug and kissed him on the forehead before leaving.

"I better get going. I have a meeting later. Take care, my baby." Bright then left the ward.

Gulf waited for any reaction from Kao, but Kao continued smiling at him. Kao then placed Gulf's lunch on the small table by the bed.

"The food is still hot, so be careful. I think you should restrain any movement, so I'll feed you," Kao said in a gentle tone, sitting on the bed.

Gulf furrowed his brow silently. Kao didn't show any anger or upset when Bright hugged him or kissed his forehead. He realized what Bright's message could be. Gulf became teary when he realized he had been thinking bad things about the most gentle person he could ever meet.

"Gulf? What's wrong? Do you have a headache?" Kao cupped Gulf's cheek, worried about him.

"P'Kao," Gulf called out, making the older man surprised. Gulf called him that twice, but each time, there were tingles.

"Yes, dear?" Kao smiled, wiping Gulf's tears.

"Thank you for loving me," Gulf said, kissing Kao's hand that was cupping his cheek.


Gulf had just returned from the mall. He was getting ready to cook when he received a text from an unknown number.

"If he loves you, he won't be on a blind date." The text came with a picture of Kao waiting for someone in a restaurant.

"The address is The Kloud." Gulf was surprised, but this time he believed Kao and decided to go there to see what was going on.

Kao had just finished his work when Ja came into the office.

"What do you want, Ja?" Kao said firmly. Ever since the incident, he never spoke softly to his son anymore.

"Dad, I'm sorry about that day, but I want you to know that Gulf is not genuine with you. He only used you to get back at me," Ja said, making Kao furrow his brow.

"You have no right to say that when you are the cause of it," Kao said, trying to leave, but Ja stopped him.

"If he really loves me, he won't agree to meet me later," Ja smirked but hid it when Kao turned around.

"What do you mean?" Kao raised his eyebrow. He knew Gulf would never want to meet Ja anymore.

"It means he's still chasing me, Dad. He told me to meet him at The Kloud. It was our favorite restaurant when we were dating," Ja said nonchalantly.

"No, he won't," Kao said, crossing his arms. He knew Gulf liked him but needed time to gain confidence.

"If you don't believe me, you can check," Ja said, leaving afterward.

Kao knew Gulf had no more feelings for Ja, but deep down, he was unsure. After two years, Ja still had an impact on Gulf's life. He waited so long and could wait again, but what if Gulf never came? Kao calmed himself and decided to go to the restaurant to find the truth.

Gulf walked nervously to the restaurant. He had bad memories about this place and hoped there would be no new bad memories made here.

"Gulf?" Kao stood up, surprised to see Gulf. He was not surprised that Gulf was there but more by his hair.

Gulf's hair was black.

"Khun..." Gulf gulped. He turned around, expecting to see a woman, but there was none. He felt relieved but still scared, seeing Kao here for a blind date.

"Your hair... it's black again," Kao said, waiting for confirmation, but Gulf had changed it again to meet Ja.

"I figured I wanted to show you, but forgive me for disturbing your blind date," Gulf said, turning around, but Kao held his wrist.

"Wait, what blind date? I came here because Ja told me that you would be meeting him here," Kao said, furrowing his brow. Gulf was shocked and denied that he had communicated with Ja.

Kao then realized everything. Ja had purposely caused them to misunderstand each other. He would deal with Ja later, but for now...

"Your hair, is that for me?" Kao asked nervously. Gulf slowly nodded, then looked up.

"I love you, P'Kao,"


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