Part 27

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Ja stared at his trembling hands. He still remembered the scene clearly, which made him grab his hair in distress.

Ja had seen Gulf's motorcycle turn toward the university. Suddenly, his father's words came to his mind:

"You can't be happy, Gulf! You left me! If I can't be with you, no one can!" Ja sped up to scare Gulf, but when he meant to brake, he pressed the wrong pedal, causing the car to hit Gulf.

Ja quickly braked and was wide-eyed. He shook his head, not believing what he had just done. Ja went outside and froze when he saw Gulf's condition under his car. Ja could see Gulf slowly opened his eyes looking at him, asking for help.

Ja's breath quickened as he tried to come closer, but people surrounded him, making him scared.

"No, no, no," Ja quickly ran and hid when he saw Kao's assistant approach Gulf.

"ARGHHH!" Ja screamed, trying to erase Gulf's face from his mind. He had hurt his beloved. Ja slapped himself, as if those actions could make up for the mistake he had made.

"P'Ja!" A door opened, and First came in panic. First quickly stopped Ja from slapping himself and tried hard to calm him down, but Ja struggled to free himself.

"P'Ja, stop!" First said, trying not to cry at seeing his fiancé's condition.

"Let me go! I hurt P'Gulf! I hurt him! I should just kill myself! I hurt him! Let me go, First!" Ja repeatedly said in a trance.

First shook his head and kept holding Ja until the man grew tired and fell into his arms. First tried to hold back his tears. Ja had never told him, but First knew about the relationship between Gulf and Ja. First knew deep down that Ja was deeply in love with Gulf but was too arrogant to acknowledge it.

Maybe it was his karma for falling in love with someone else's boyfriend.


Kao closed his laptop after finishing his work and walked towards Gulf. It had been four days, but Gulf hadn't woken up yet. Kao stayed beside him all the time and even worked from the hospital so he wouldn't miss anything.

Kao sat down and held Gulf's hand before kissing it. He then placed Gulf's hand on his cheek while staring at him. The wounds on Gulf's body were getting better, but the doctor had not mentioned anything about his eyes.

"When you are allowed to discharge, I'll take you to our place. You don't have to work if you don't want to. Just stay at home and be my king. Ask me for anything, and I'll give it to you, dear. All I need is you and nothing else," Kao confessed, trying to hold back his tears.

"Let's get married, dear," Kao said, kissing Gulf's forehead.

Just then, Kao felt Gulf's hand moving and holding his hand. Kao was surprised and smiled.

"Gulf? Are you awake?" Kao held Gulf's hand tightly and saw Gulf's head moving towards him.

"P...P'Kao?" Gulf said slowly, surprising Kao. He answered with tears in his eyes.

Kao immediately called the doctor, and they checked on Gulf. Kao stayed there the whole time, holding Gulf's hand, afraid it might be a dream.

"It seems Mr. Gulf is getting better; however, we still need to be sure of one thing," the doctor said. Kao gulped, realizing what the doctor meant. He prayed hard in his heart.

The doctor sat Gulf up slowly and removed the eye pad. Kao could see the stitches around Gulf's eyes, indicating a serious injury.

"Mr. Gulf, can you open your eyes?" Gulf slowly opened his eyes, and Kao waited nervously.

"P'Kao?" Gulf reached out for Kao's hand, and Kao stood up and held both of Gulf's hands.

"Yes, dear? What is wrong?" Kao asked, looking straight into Gulf's eyes.

"I...I can't see anything...What happened?" Gulf said, looking around for any light but seeing none.

Kao was shocked and quickly hugged Gulf, trying to comfort the confused man. After Gulf calmed down, the doctor examined Gulf's eyes and looked dejected.

"I am sorry, Mr. Gulf. The glasses from your helmet hit the optic nerve, causing permanent vision loss," the doctor said before leaving to give them space.

"I...I am blind? P...It's a joke, right? They can fix my eyes, right? P...Please tell me this isn't true...P'Kao..." Gulf shook his head in disbelief, tears streaming down his cheeks. Kao remained silent, holding both of Gulf's hands, but Gulf pulled away.

"No, no, I can't be blind, P! No, I don't believe you!" Gulf distanced himself from Kao, but Kao kept reaching for Gulf's hands.

"Gulf...I am sorry, but it is true...Listen to me, dear. We can find ways for you to gain your vision. Blind or not, I still love you no matter what. Believe me, dear" Kao tried to comfort Gulf, though he struggled to keep his own mind sane.

Kao held Gulf's hand and placed it on his chest, but Gulf pushed Kao away. He couldn't believe he was blind because an accident. Then, Gulf remembered the last person he saw at the accident.

"Ja...It was him?" Gulf's mouth fell open in shock. He couldn't believe that Ja was the one who caused this.

"Gulf...I tried to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I promise that when I find him, I will make sure he receives punishment. I will expel him from the company and have him sent to jail. Dear, please...don't push me away," Kao said, trying again to reach for Gulf, but Gulf pushed his hand away the moment Kao touched him.

"I knew I shouldn't have involved myself with him when I came here. I should have stayed away from you," Gulf said, shaking his head as everything came to mind.

"Dear, you-"

"Stop calling me that! I don't want anything to do with you anymore! I learned my lesson; I shouldn't involve myself with the Nattawut. So, please...leave me alone and never come back"


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