Chapter 108: Sky Labyrinth

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Pumpkin: The Grand Magic Games elimination round! Sky Labyrinth... Begin!

Gray: If it's a race, we better hurry up.

Natsu: Yeah!

Erza: Wait!

Natsu: What!?

Erza: He said all five members of the team have to reach the goal together. Wendy isn't back yet.

Their eyes widen in shock hearing that.

Lucy: Oh, that's right!

Natsu: Wendy!

Gray: Then what are we gonna do!?

Raiga: *Sigh* Time for Mr. Reserve Member to step in and save the day.

Erza: Hey, what are you-

Raiga suddenly picked everyone up, with extreme ease mind you, and charged into the labyrinth.

Raiga: No time for chit-chat! We have a labyrinth to clear!

Gray: Guess we have no choice! I don't think we have the time to wait for Wendy!

Natsu: We're in your hands, Raiga!

While he was running, Raiga turns back to the others.

Raiga: And you four!

Happy: Aye!

Lisanna: What is it, Raiga!?

Raiga: Wendy and Carla might be in trouble! Find them!

Fuuwa: Leave it to us!

Elfman: It's a man's job to look out for their friends!

Happy: Good luck, everyone!

Raiga then put everyone down in front of him so they can start running as well. Lisanna left with Fuuwa and Happy to search around Crocus for Wendy. They neared the entrance of the labyrinth.

Gray: There's the entrance to the labyrinth!

Natsu: Nope! There's the entrance to being number 1 in Fiore! Let's go, Team Fairy Tail!

Team FT: Yeah!!

They went inside the giant sphere to find themselves in a giant 3d maze.

They went inside the giant sphere to find themselves in a giant 3d maze

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Gray: So it's a three-dimensional maze in here...

Raiga: M.C. Escher would certainly be proud.

Natsu: I'm not good with stuff like this!

Lucy: Get it together! If we're not one of the first 8 teams to arrive, forget about number 1 in Fiore, because we'll be cut!

Natsu: Yeah, right!? We gotta get through here an' beat those Sabertooth bastards to a pulp!

Gray: Let's get to the goal before they do!

Erza: Basically, we should head east. The arena is in that direction.

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