Luck Runs Out

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"The music is so pretty!" Piper grinned as the song starts to play.

Please don't tell me you're about to do what I think you'll do

"Knowing Odysseus, he probaby is," Jason said with a sigh, his friends nod. For the smartest person in Greek mythology, he made a lot of dumb decisions.

You've heard the legends of the island in the sky
This proves they're true
We're in the home of the wind god

The demigods are still unhappy about the discory that Odysseus and his crew are about to run into a weather god, the seven's least favourite type of god.

We don't know for sure

How many floating islands have you seen before?
This is the home of the wind god

And what's your plan?

I'm gonna climb to the top and ask 'em for a hand

"He's still following Polities ideals," Hazel frowned as she remembered Odysseus' pacifist friend.

"It's dumb," Thalia said bluntly as she starred at the screen.


"50 of his crew just died because Odysseus followed Polities, if Odysseus listened to Eurylochus than nobody would of died, they could of easily overpowered Polythemus."

"But they wouldn't have found the cave yet," Frank counted, "If they went with Eurylochus' plan then they would have killed all of the lotus eaters and have eaten the lotus."

Annabeth frowned, thinking about what she would do if she was in Odysseus' situation.

You could be caught off guard and lose your life
Or piss off this god and infuse us with strife

"Didn't Odysseus just piss off a goddess?" Leo asked.

Percy sighed, "Yep."

Don't forget how dangerous the gods are

Piper shook her head, "I hate to say it but I agree with him."

Have faith, friend, we've come this far

Yes, but how much longer 'til your luck runs out?

"Wait?! Is this in front of the CREW?!" Reyna exclaimed.

"Why does that matter?" Leo asked.

"Why does that matter? It lowers moral, not to mention ILLEGAL, if Eurylochus had a problem with the captions decision, he should have pulled him aside and talked to him in private!"

How much longer 'til the show goes south?
How much longer 'til we all fall down?
You rely on wit, and people die on it, whoa

I still believe in goodness
I still believe that we could be kind
Lead from the heart, and see what starts

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