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Slowly, everything came back to me. I wondered what sort of hell this place even was, that stunk of worn leather and cheap whiskey. The guy who was driving, who did not tell me his name once, kept driving and grumbled about his head. I didn't feel any better, so I just kept my mouth shut and listened to the radio drone.

Old rock and roll, things that I heard way back when I was little. I looked at the empty saline bag and IV that was crumpled up at my feet. It lasted almost an hour, and my insides weren't fighting me like earlier.

I looked at my hands. The palms were charcoal and the creases where my fingers bent had an almost metallic glimmer to them. Claws, nails that were thick and curved at the tip. They weren't awfully long, but compared to someone who kept their nails trimmed, they were gnarly.

It was a three hour drive through the night, most of the scenery was nothing but corn and farmland. Off in the dark sky, a corner of it was twinged pink. The farm lands disappeared, transforming to thick forest on a road that was barely paved. There was fencing to keep you on the road, and when I glanced into the fore a few times I would spot open water, or a narrow creek.

We came to a cabin before dawn, that looked like it was a mile or two from a lake.

He pulled up side from other cars, and shut off the ignition.

"I'm only bringing you inside because I trust Frigga." he said, turning to look at me. "Any funny business and you'll end up like the guy in the trunk. Got it?"

I nodded, glancing back at the back seat of the car.

"Why are we here?" I asked, glancing at the grimy streak that was on my dress.

"I need to make some calls, and patch up," he scratched his chin. "This is my brother and his girlfriend's place. My nephew Rick is running around, and so is my younger sister, Keilly."

"I'm not a complete monster. I get what you're saying." I said, climbing out of the car. I stretched my arms above my head, and turned to the sound of a screen door opening.

I saw a teenager with her hair in a messy bun staring at me, and at her side was a kid that had to have been at least ten. The girl had dark brown hair, green eyes and freckles on tan skin. The boy had strawberry blonde hair that stuck up in every direction. His eyes were dark brown, and he had a cute button nose. Their gaze shifted from me to the hunter and they both let out ear splitting screams.


"Uncle Maeson!"

The crossed the yard in long strides and both practically tackled him. I watched them interact, hugging and being cuddly. I turned to walk to the house and almost tripped over another little kid. They clung to my knees, and I bent at the waist. We went tumbling, and in the end I was on my back staring up at the sky.

"Oh jeez." I said softly. I lifted myself up onto my elbows and looked at the smallest person. He clung to my waist, eyes wide. "Uhm... Hiyas."

"Sowwy." he whimpered.

I reached out, gently ruffling his hair. "We're okay." I said, combing his hair to check to brow for bumps. Nothing. I reached forward, shifting so he was sitting on my hips, then stood up. "Right? Didn't smack your head did we?"

"Davis!" a woman scolded. I turned to see a woman in a sweater and pajama pants running down the steps. She slowed to take us in, then turned to look at the other three. "Maeson... What... Everyone inside."

The woman held her arms out for the youngest kid, Davis, but he clung onto me.

She sighed and folded her arms, then went over to Maeson. "You look like a dog chewed you up."

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