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day 00 continued

I was pinned between the hard body and the door. The metal handle jabbing into my shoulder blades while delicate kisses decorated my throat and shoulders. A lazy moan escaped my mouth, and a small laugh escaped his. He lifted his mouth from my throat, to show of deep red dripping off his lips. 

"You're awake," warm steam wasped off his lips, a coppery scent followed as he spoke. "I was afraid I might have killed you." 

His lips met mine and the taste of pennies filled my mouth. It was warm and sticky, and another flavor, licorice, mingled with the metal. 

"They say the first bite is what kills them... but it's actually the shock from blood loss."

I choked out a weak slur of a plea. His silvery eyes locked on mine, and he came in for more kisses. They were soft, warm, tender, loving-- I didn't want kisses. 

"Stop." I coughed, my arms pushing as hard as they could. It wasn't much, I was shaking and I couldn't control them. My legs started to slip from under me. Jared put out an arm, secured it around my waist, pulling me against his form. 

"I need you to listen, Sweetheart." he purred, kissing an area on my neck. A pain that exploded behind my eyes, then errupted out my finger tips in a spiralling pleasure had me weeping. I let out a cry that would have put a porn star to shame. "Hush hush. Not so loud, Sweetheart."

I panted, clouds of steam coming out my mouth. The warmth seemed to be flooding out my body with every pant and moan. I clawed at his sleeves, my vision spinning to the point I was seeing triple of him. 

"I'm not your Sweety," my tongue and teeth struggled through a pudding soup of words. I tried to push him again, when he put his nose to the other side of my neck. 

A soft request of, "don't move," had me haulting all my movements. There was a sound, like someone biting into a fresh, crisp apple. To my horror, it was the sound of him biting into my shoulder this time. 

"Had you said yes, we wouldn't becoming so intimate in a filthy parking garage, Meela," he breathed. "It'll all be over soon, Sweetheart."

Blackness was encroaching on the edges of my vision, and I was struggling to breath. From somewhere distant, I heard church bells ringing. Why were they ringing? It's... late. Is it really that late? What hour is it knolling?

The dryness in my mouth somehow brought me back to the ringing. It wasn't ringing... it was jingling. I had a landyard double around my wrist. My house and car keys jangled in my limp hand. The keys were tucked between my knuckles, but my hand was not balled up. 

With what little strength I swung my arm. The impact of flesh on flesh jostled me awake. The keys to the face made him release me. A scream that did not belong to a man echoed the garage as was dropped onto the ground. My palms were scraped, and I heard fabric shred. I scrambled to my feet and was off running. 

Every step sent an agonizing, teeth chattering, shock up from the base of my soles up to the top of my head. I cradled one arm with the one I hand used to punch him. My throat was dry, my tongue was stiff and stuck to the roof of my mouth. The cries for help came out as a wet wheeze, that ended in a whimper like someone had kicked a dog.

The ground tilted and the world was swaying as I ran. No one was in the lot this late. They were already where they needed to be, the casino, the hotel, the late night clubs-- no where near me. I was turned around, nothing looked familiar, and I couldn't read any of the signs. They looked like hieroglyphics and bounced around the walls. The cars were parked far apart, so there was nowhere to hide. 

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