Chapter 20

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Sophie's POV

"Okay," Crystal said. "Matt, Truth or Dare."

"After what Grace did to Mike, Truth," Matt laughed.

"Okay," Crystal thought for a second. "Who do you have a crush on?"

I saw Matt look shocked. He probably likes Crystal.

Matt's POV

Crap. What do I do?

Luke's looking at me like, say Sophie.

I. Don't. Know. What. To. Freakin. Do.

"Nobody," I said quickly, and unconvincingly.

"You're lying," Crystal said. Am I that bad at lying?

I could feel my hands starting to shake and It was getting really hot in here.

"Ooh Mattie has a crush," Mike mocked.

"Dude, you can't lie," Crystal said.

"Fine," I said.

They all waited patiently. I could see Sophie looking like she didn't really care. I bet she will be surprised if I say that I like her.

I took a deep breath, "Sophie."

What. Did. I. Just. Do.

I saw Sophie get up and I heard her say, "I gotta go now." She walked out.

I put my head in my hands.

Sophie's POV

"Nobody," Matt said quickly, but unconvincingly.

"You're lying," Crystal said.

"Ooh Mattie has a crush," Mike mocked.

"Dude, you can't lie," Crystal said.

"Fine," Matt said. He's gonna say Crystal, I know it.

We all waited patiently, but I looked like I didn't really care. I had to get over my little tiny crush on him. Like seriously! I don't need him, do I? He only likes me as a friend, and he keeps indicating that he likes Crystal. I would be surprised if he said anybody else.

"Sophie," he said, under his breath.

Did I hear him correctly. I'm imagining things. This is a dream. I'm actually still in the Orphanage.

I pinch myself.

Nope not a dream.

I got up and said, "I gotta go now." I walked out.

He probably thought that I didn't like him.

What have I done.

I walked outside and walked around the corner. The house was right on the corner of the street, so I walked around, so nobody could find me.

I knelt down on the ground and buried my head in my knees. I wrapped my arms around knees and Thought.

I thought about how much my life changed. If Ari hadn't come to the orphanage, I would be staying there miserably, with new people,e because my only friend Anne would have already gotten adopted.

Then I thought about Matt. I thought about how much I loved him, I thought about how he loves me back. I thought about what I want.

Do I really want him? Do I like him just as a friend? Did Isabel already know this? Is that why she kept saying he liked mee?

I realized that I was really stressed out. I decided to run. I wanted to run and run and run, with music, just running my stress away.

I took out my phone and my headphones, and opened Apple Music. I took out my phone and let the music play.

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