bonus chapter seven: lifting your bump (requested)

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Taylor watched you drag your feet through the kitchen as she looked through the cupboards for what to make for dinner.

You put your hands on the counter and then leaned against it as you let out a groan.

This caused Taylor's eyes to go wide and a rush of panic to hit her as her mind went to the worst-case scenario.

"Are you hurting, baby? Are you in labor? Don't we still have a few weeks?" She rambled in a panic.

You let out a little chuckle before turning to face her.

"Don't worry, my love. It's not time yet. Part of me wishes it was though. I'm so tired of being pregnant. I swear my bump alone weighs fifty pounds. It's hard to be this pregnant. My back hurts."

Taylor brushed her hand across your arm comfortingly before something came back to her.

She remembered when she scrolled through TikTok the other day that she had seen a few videos of people lifting their pregnant partners' bump.

It's supposed to take the strain off and is completely safe to do and Taylor knew that she had to try it out with you to see if it brought you as much relief as it did others.

You closed your eyes with a groan as your back ached so badly.

However, you were met with sudden relief as Taylor lifted your bump with both of her hands.

You opened your eyes and looked into hers to see them sparkling.

"That feel good, darling?"

"So good, Tay."

She kissed your forehead lingering and continued to carefully hold your bump.

"I saw this on TikTok the other day. It takes the strain off."

"It really does." You sighed in relief. "I almost feel like I did before I was pregnant. My back feels better."


You continued to bask in the relief of no longer having the strain of the bump take such a toll on your body.

Pregnancy has been beautiful and there are parts you have loved and enjoyed so much.

But you can't deny how much you're looking forward to the baby being born so this strain will go away permanently.

"I know how hard it's been at times for you while you've been pregnant. It makes me happy to be able to help however I can."

"Well, you're helping now. Thank you."

She carefully let your bump go and cupped your cheeks to pull you in for a loving kiss.


"Anytime? You mean it?"

"I do." She smiled and pecked your lips. "Now what would you like for dinner?"

She went to look through the cupboards again.

But you stopped her when you let out a whine and her name.


"Yeah?" She spoke as she opened the cupboard doors and looked at you.

But when you pouted at her, she shook her head with a laugh, already knowing exactly what you wanted.

"Okay, my love. I've got you."

She came back to your side and leaned down to kiss your bump before standing back up and lifting it to relieve you once again.

All you could do was mumble a thank you to her as you put your forehead on her shoulder, knowing that you'd be asking her to do this a lot more often.

And knowing your wife, you knew she'd do it in a heartbeat, whenever you needed her to.

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