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Diana's POV:

It's like a chant in my mind. Ian, Ian, Ian. It goes on and doesn't stop. I had my eyes closed, laying on my back as I hold my teddy from Ian close to my chest. I don't let go and I don't open my eyes. The memories from dinner last night replaying in my head. 

"Have you experienced life the way you wanted to yet?" Ian says as he stares at me intensely. 

"I'm working on it. I'm figuring out things on the way." I look out the window. Seeing the sun go down slowly. "About myself, what I want" I say quietly. Looking into his blue eyes. 

"What have you figured out?" He asks me. I stay quiet for a second. One simple question, 5 words and 6 syllables. Yet it couldn't be any more difficult. I lean forward. 

"The only thing I've focused half of my life was to be someone else, it didn't work. I've always wanted to do something special and amazing. Be unique. Make a tiny difference and let the domino effect to take its place. I love travelling. So being here, has impacted my life in a major way. You've found your place. It's YouTube. It's Smosh. I'm still finding mine." I say from my heart. My story may not be bad, but it's not good either. I'm just trying to find my place in the world. 

Ian stays quiet for a second. Just looking at me. Like if he was analyzing me. I've never spoke to anyone about this, only him. After a while he speaks up: 

"You may not see it yet, but you are special and amazing. Most definitely unique. Let the domino take effect because it's going to come for you. You need to be prepared. Because you might not change the world, but you'll change people's lives for the better. You'll see." 

I couldn't even say anything to him after he said that. It was just surprising. I didn't expect it. I open my eyes, brushing off that memory to the side and getting out of bed. It seemed too quiet here. It was 12:40pm here. So the guys must be up. I get out of my bed in my Victoria's Secret sweat pants and a 'Milky Milkshake' tank top, heading to the editing room. Empty. I go to the living room, no one. I go to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge. It was from the guys. 

'We went ahead to Smosh Games HQ. You seemed really tired so we left you to rest. We might come late. We'll let you know. 


Ian and Anthony' 

It's nice for them to worry. I feel good and rested now. that I'm alone, might as well as enjoy it. I let my hair off my ponytail, shaking it violently and heading to the kitchen. I grab my phone and see that I have notification from instagram. I unlock my phone, it was from Ian. Our picture from last night. The caption saying 'Who says that girls can't treat you to dinner?". 

"You really didn't have to pay. I was only joking about you paying." Ian says laughing as we head to the car. It was parked pretty far since the parking lot was full when we got here. 

"But I wasn't." I say honestly, laughing along with him. Shivering a little as we walked slowly. He took off his leather jacket and puts it around me. 

"Thank you for it then. I'll pay back. No exceptions." He says. 

"Fine. Thank you for the jacket." I say gratefully. We make it to the car. 

"Let's take a picture." He says suddenly. I nod my head as he gets his camera phone. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. I smile at the camera and so does he. The camera clicks and he shows me the picture. I love it. I ask him to send it and he does. 

I stared at that picture for an hour before I forced myself to sleep. I always have a girlish smile on my face when I see it. I squeal and feel happy again every time I look at it. I shake my head and exit instagram. I put my iPhone in the speaker dock and press play. Blaring music, silencing the world with my You Make Me Feel started playing throughout the house as I start moving my hips to the beat and mumbling the words to the lyrics. I move across the kitchen and grab a bowl from the cupboard. Pouring my favorite chips in the bowl. Cheddar Chex Mix. Taking a couple in my hand and eating it. I head to the fridge and grab my favorite Arizona Fruit Punch drink. 

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