Your not alone, never alone...

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Hey guys!!!! THX for sticking with me... Well MOST of u did. Hehe. Anyway the voice in C. Mew (corrupted mew) is in 'italics' OK? Good. Anywayz read on...
POV: C. Mew

'Your not alone...' That voice haunts me, "Pah! I'm always alone!" I reply.

'Your never alone, that is that,'

"Really? Are you for real?" I ask.

'Never, ever,"

"Leave me alone, no-one was there for me when I was in my past life or when I was born, why change now?"

'You know your past life?'


'Tell me,'


*The events*

"Ditto get back here!" My master shouted.

"Ditto!" I replied.

"Turn into this Pokemon!" He shouted at me. I turned into the darkrai but I wasn't shiny like he wanted to, "Same colour!" He snapped. I changed the colour, "Now this one!" He again commanded.

"Ditto?" I asked tilting my head.

"Its a mew, now do it!" He shouted in my face. I nodded and turned into the blue pokemon.

"Mew!" I shouted.

"Use physic on that rock and make it float above your head!" He commanded, I did as told, "Drop it!" He said again I moved it forward enough so I wouldn't drop it on myself.

"Team rocket grunt #101 please come here," a voice said over the loudspeaker. He nodded and kicked me.

"Good job now, Ditto! Return!" He yelled and I was sucked into the pokeball.

It was tough life with the team rocket grunt. I looked at my haven, it was grassy area and I turned into that new creature, "This is what I want to be when I grow up!" I shout to the pokeball. 'Your wish is my command' I hear a voice say. I see a shooting star and now know that its Jarachi. I turn into him as whisper thank you.

"Go ditto!" I hear the grunt say. I get taken from my haven and appear in from of the boss, "Turn into mew!" He commands and I do as told.

"Well then, ditto, your gonna be staying with me for a while. We'll be doing some... Practise in fine details." The boss says with a smirk. I shrink back in fear and he laughs.

"Ditto, turn into the odd darkrai!" The grunt says. I do as I am told and hear that laugh again.

"Ditto," the boss starts, "Turn into a shiny Arceus." I shrug, I have never seen a picture.

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