Chapter 20

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Recap :

I kissed her forehead and left the hospital....  

Hayes POV


It has been two miserable months without Savannah. We stopped touring and Mandy got into depression. Savannah meant a lot to us, we just hope she wakes up soon. Since she was at the hospital the first day I kept on visiting her on and on. Once again another thing happened, almost all the boys have girlfriends. It kind of makes me jealous of how all that lovey dovey stuff they do is something me and Sav could've done. 



I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I did hear everything Hayes said when he was always next to me. I wanted to apologize Hayes when I wake up, but I can't. I can't move at all or anything. I heard a group of boys and girls coming to my hospital room. Hayes sat next to me and held my hand. 

Sav now it's your time. I tried to squeeze Hayes hand and it worked.

Hayes POV


I sat right next to her and I held her hand. Then the next thing I knew is that Sav actually squeezed my hand. I stood up and yelled,


The doctor came in and slowly Savannah woke up!!!

Then the doctor asked her,

"Do you know who they are and who you are?"

She just replied a simple yes.

But then she asked me, 

"Who are these girls?"



I asked Hayes

"Who are these girls?" 

I've learned that Taylor's girlfriend is Amber. She was so beautiful. Amber had like a color of almond hair and had freckles that made her even cuter. She kind of looked tomboyish, but I think that is why she was unique and special. TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF I APPROVE!

Angelique isJack G's girlfriend. For god sake she was gorgeous. She had beautiful blonde hair and had gorgeous blue and greenish eyes. Her dressing code is seriously on point! I have learned that she is a dancer and a singer. JACK FINNEGAN GILINSKY I APPROVE ONCE AGAIN!

Next is Matthew's girlfriend. Her name is Natalie. She has pretty brown hair and the cool thing is that she has pink highlights. No wonder she is so unique. She has the same eye color as Angelique but the only difference was that Natalie had more green into her eyes. She loves to penny board and she loves to sing too! MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA GOOD JOB! I APPROVE HER TOO!

KJ is Jack J's girlfriend. I've learned so many stuff about her.  She is half japanese and half african american. I've also learned she has dark brown eyes, but she usually wears grey eye color contacts. I never seen someone wear grey contacts. Am I even living life? She seems kind of shy or awkward, but I think deep inside her she is loud, funny, and wild. She also likes to sing, dance, play instruments, and like to babysit little cuties. JACK EDWARD JOHNSON YOU MAKE ME PROUD I APPROVE!

Lindsey was next. She is a gorgeous girl and she is Cameron's girlfriend. She also has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. I guess you could say she is a little bit shy, but I know she is going to have fun this year. I also learned that she is strong cheerleader, dancer, gymnast, and she loves kids. CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS YOU ARE AWESOME I APPROVE!

Lastly was Shawn's girlfriend, Michelle. She brown hair and brown eyes. She is so nice and I feel like all the girls have something in common with me. Of course we are all girls obviously. DUH! SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES YOU FOUND THE RIGHT GIRL I APPROVE!

I guess this is the BEST DAY EVER! I WOKE UPPP!!!! YASSSS!!!


WASHUP GUYS!!! hahaha double update in a day.... YAASSSSS! Hope you enjoyed today's chapters. Guys message me on inbox and give me some ideas for Chapter 21! 

If you guys wanted to follow me on social media ....

Twitter : Starland8 

Instagram : SmilexxC

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