Chapter 15: Surprise

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"I told you", i whispered as he took her from my arms to clean her

He didn't say anything he was too busy with our daughter. I started to oass out into sleep mode because of how tired i was and such. As i was about to sleep for the last time as a part Human. But before i can i could hear Edward yelling which isn't normal.

I opened my eyes and I saw Jacob infront of Edward who was holding our daughter with protectivness.

"Whats going on?", i asked tiredly
"Whos baby is it i want to know right the fuck now", Jacob said
"Look at her and you will know", I said

Edward didnt move an inch.

"Edward show him"

He turns her. Once Jacob sees her he runs out the room and Carlisle walks in. He first comes over to me first to look me over then to the baby.

"You did well and...", he trails off

Shit, we have been thinking about names but havent gotten a set and stone name.

"Anya Rose Cullen", I said and stared at the little girl
"Beautiful", Carlisle smiles

I chuckled.

"Im going down stairs your fine and your vampire strength should be regenerated by now.", carlisle says
"Thank you", i sighed

He smiles and leaves the room.

"Can i see her", i asked

He walks towards me and hands me her. I finally can see what she looks like. She has shoulder length hair already that has bronze ringlets, her eyebrows were like mine, her bright green eyes were open and big, her cheeks were slighty chubby and had a rose color on them, she had my nose, and she had my lips that were pink.

She was perfect. Our perfect second little miracle.

"Thank you", Edward breath

I looked up him questioning.

"Im so sorry for underestimating you...for being angry with you. I didnt mean to make you feel like i didnt care because of you and the dog...when i did the same with tanya just that she isnt pregnant.. Thank you for Anya", He said

I nodded. I really didnt have anything to say to him because i was bewitched by this beautiful little girl.

Anya Rose Cullen
Born: 7/19/2015
Parents: Bella and Edward Cullen

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