Untouched Obsession

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:D Hello, I have decided to join in the Watty Awards. This will be my first time doing this. So please, please Vote and Comment.

It would mean a lot to me and support for me is a great helping hand. I would really like the chance because I need all the votes and comments to keep on going. If you vote for me, it would put a big happy smile on my face and if you do. I would be happy to do it for yours. For me to look over your stories as well.

I hope you enjoy-----------


Dear Diary

See through my eyes.

Yes, go ahead and see what I see through my eyes, Dear Diary.

Because I want you to know of the things I witnessed and the events coming from me to you. To then sink this information in your mind, in your consciousness and the exposed knowledge I am going to reveal to you. All these developments that have occurred to me or either the events that transpired in my life, in every moment or rather every second I believed and suddenly acknowledged that I could die, Diary.

Come, come and see through my eyes.

These cycling events that I endured and the Untouched Obsession that was grasped by a man, a mysterious and rebellious man who wanted me, it first struck as a crush, then lust and then Obsession.

It appeared I was in the outside sometimes, Diary. For my eyes would be looking in on the events that have come and suddenly have gown and I, myself slamming to burst open this blockage towards the real world. To break into reality, Dear Diary, my adrenaline was strong because I wanted to enter the person that was me. The real me that wanted to escape from this man and disappear from his urgent grip.

My eyes, his eyes...

Diary, it was both of our eyes that were in contact and our lips, the lips that delivered chemistry was a dangerous combination from him to me and that devil of a spark that brought the worst in the both us was undeniable.

What did he want from me? In answer he would probably reply, "You don't know.'' What did he need from me? The guy would chuckle and he then approaching as if that being my answer. "Why was he hunting me down like a dog in heat?''

Why Diary?


These emotions, the conflict I had of my own were pushed aside because it was the dark depths in his eyes, "I love you,'' he would instead whisper breathlessly, "You burn my soul. You twine my heartstrings by then entangling them and play them. For that, you shall be mine, my Beauty. All mine; his eyelids lowered, "No one else's.''

I could see he meant it Diary. He meant it because he wanted to overtake me. By that realization, I already recalled or knew from the past events that he was serious. Serious from the obvious determined attacks and by him propelling forward to then only thwart my own determined wits and aghast...I...I

What did I feel?

What did I feel for him?

I don't know Diary.

There was passion, yes there was heated anger because he wanted me to submit to him, he wanted me to lower myself on hands and knees and OBEY.

Should I? Should I not?

Definitely NOT!

Yet, this hatred nearly strangled me. For if I fell for love then I would fall hard in the precipice of chancing myself to never holding my own weight, to never coming back to the strong independent woman I created for myself and remembering all those fights; they would then be a waste because I risked myself for the sake of love.

"No," I instantly objected to him when we met for the first time.

Yes; he grinded his sharp and perfect teeth AT ME.

Cocking an eyebrow I replied, "No," again.

"You'll be mine, you will be. Everything, all mine," he roared. "Just you wait, my Beauty. Just you wait.''

I was not going to submit to this russet beast, this mongrel...this...this


This was a Crush, it was Lust, and ...this was a tale, Diary. This was a story of having no safety or boundaries what so ever but more importantly an Obsession. I wasn't going to submit, but neither was he...Who would fall in this leveling playing field? Who was going to hold up their hands in surrender?

For this was no Love, this was rather a Crush, brought up to Lust and...

...An undeniable Obsession.

I am going to win this duel Diary, or simply dye trying.

For whom, what woman wants to be submitted by a man who may say "I love you,'' but as of yet...

It was not love but only a will to snatch power, a power to summit me and only me.

I, being fully aware by my people by a name built by power and therefore was respected and acknowledged and known by my followers.

Because I, my-self was indeed an Untouched Obsession...

I am an Untouched Obsession, I am Onyx... The cursed Moon it-self, the one and only Goddess of the Night....

Farewell Dear Diary,

Till next we meet

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