A Conquering Will

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Hellloooowww!!! Please Comment and Vote on my story. I am in the Watty Awards and I would really like all the Comments and Votes I can get. It would be a great help. I am putting a lot of effort into it and support and telling me what you think is a great pat on the back.

 If you doo, it would mean a lot to me. Since this is my first time joining in the Watty Awards :D So please be willing to spare some time in clicking that small button at the left for vote and share whats on your mind. If I need to improve or give me some advice. It would be nice.

 Well, without further adeui...I give you the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it.



 My sister knew emotion would not persuade me because I was immune to its effect. I wanted to hear reason behind it because I would not allow myself to loose my sense by emotion for emotion would probably make me risk control. Control was a part of me and without that it would be like tearing something of value from me and so I proclaim "No way" would I loose that.

 I had my rights to be reasonable because I was the Lord of the Demons. Yet I also knew I had to think logically. It was also my right to think of my people as well. As of yet, it wasn't or couldn't just be decided upon what one of my family members, friends, and loved ones wished. What my loved ones chose and wanted. It would be to do what is right. To think away of my feelings because I had to consider mainly on my people who looked up to me and hoped. They praying for something good to happen.

Chapter 3: A Conquering Will

Pearl would be coming soon, I already counting backwards.

3...her claws clinking on the floor...2, her breathing exhaling harshly...

 Suddenly shrugging his shoulders with an inhale all his own, he then concentrated and crossed his lids over his eyes as if vanishing or ignoring her sister, Pearl's, presence. All the while Alejandro was listening very closely, even the sudden blaze from the moving logs towards the stricken fire set it ablaze but...it never did distract him. 

Now 1, she opens the door.

Tentatively, Alejandro saw the movement of the door go into the room and Pearl enter in. Pearl sensing the air as her paws was thudding inside and moving without hesitation from the evidence of her strides. Pearl had a silver coat, it surrounding her body as her body flexed like a panther on the hunt and walking daringly inside the Burlington Library.

However, once her eyes contacted with her brother, Alejandro Beastly Sylvester, it was then that Pearl's once brown eyes slanted and surfaced with a film of red. Pearl now bowing down her head and exposing her canine teeth at him. 

Those teeth large and threatening, shudders running through her body as she howled in outrage, "What have you done brother! I can't believe you have done that to our Goddess, Onyx Night, what in Heavens is wrong with you!"

A real growl tearing at her throat but her claws sinking even sharper in the wood. Yet, the illumination of the light from the fireplace came and was glowing behind the Pearl's wolfish form. The transformation from person to beast coming to true focus and in reality becoming a monster with bloodshot pair pupil's; those pupils taking her sibling's attention.

"Pearl, hello my dear, it appears you are in a great mood." Alejandro spoke sarcastically, yet another growl was heard from his dear sister Pearl, "It's good to see my little sister going to visit her brother once in a while, seeing you now it shows me that the West of Cohort-Heart Town are treating you good and well.'' 

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