The Beginning/Fighting Thy Control (-The Start of the Chap.-)

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= D Watty Awards!!!! Watty Awards!!!! This is my First Time joining the Watty Awards!!!!!!! I need Votes and Comments to keep my spirits up. Please help Support me in this. It would make me pleased that you like my story and that you are giving little of your time to voting and commenting.

I am not asking for much. Just a little pat on the back and a job well done. If you have any suggestions, do not be hesitant to ask or give me some pointers. Anything to imporve my writing and my story is also a great help. it is. I hope you like it!


Prologue: Fighting Thy Control

 Sinclair Valley, France

 December 1860

 Alejandro was walking through the eerie Burlington Library. It a haunted structure that remained untouched and the building strayed amongst the abandoned town. It being a refuge within himself and him alone in these coaters. Yet the calming full moon fixated in the black sky did nothing to calm him. For if at a certain angle, the large bridge paned window would reflect the moonlights rays upon one side of his face and enhance his features.

 This male, his name Alejandro Beast Sylvester. Him being one of the many to be the Chosen One to associate a hand to vassal the woman who was known as the Goddess of the Night. With his high arched eyebrows hovering over up enchanted crystal gray eyes. Alejandro Beastly was known to be the person who would show no mercy to others. Alejandro's character was to eye his opponents weaknesses with his calculating stare and use it against them. 

Learning the wise and becoming the knowledgeable. Because in soon those words of 'clever,' or rather 'exceptional,' inside a Dictionary would only reflect who Alejandro was and still is. Others before him. They with important titles would be replaced with a more improved name. To be realized as him being the Lord of his people, Alejandro Beast Sylvester. Alejandro's bold leer in his pupils would make his enemies fear. Would make them fret underneath the presence of the top Alpha of Demons. 

Alejandro was a Leader. He did have the brains of a Leader and the face that would be remembered always. Yet this night, it only made him more anxious. More itched to stretch his claws and approach the darkness with wicked ambitions and needs. 

Just like the wretched cruelty that are natural amongst our kind. It was just like the symbolization of the gargoyles and they upfront of the Burlington Library. Yet the torches were bringing blazes of fire with hues of red and yellow. Their snouts giving off the illusion that it might release smoke from their snouts. Their stoned smoky eyes gleaming underneath the Night. This being when creatures of the night would howl and burst into being predators.

 Bonfires lit up joining in the fire celebration. Therefore waiting the 'special moment' and Alejandro's people bringing boisterous delight because it was obvious that they were happy for the ritual was starting to begin. Until when the end of the 'special moment' would come to a close. The villagers thrilled when in the aftermath of the 'special moment' the outcome would bring two different Houses of two different bloodlines together. Then they will join in a bondage of blood and by just that event it was going to be a historic moment. 

Despite the stillness in here, Alejandro could sense or feel the anticipation throughout his followers, his people and the Mother Nature outside that brought his kind to stare in wonder at the full moon. As well as question on what brought us apart from the mortals that roamed amongst us.

 We, still continuing to ask ourselves about what we have become. Why are we like this? What brought us to be this? Tell us? 

The name which our coven, Alejandro's clan referred the cursed moon as The Nightly Onyx. The white moon's presence affecting us physically and emotionally because our blood demanded to bring our bloodstream to an ultimate high. It therefore flooding control in our actions and creating us, morphing Alejandro's people to being the perfect nightmare.

Untouched Obsession (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz