Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Request for SpikeDeathRose (Quotev)

Pietro Maximoff x Reader

"Pietro! Where are we going?" You asked while giggling as he dragged you down the hallway of the Avengers tower. You had been cleaning up your shared bedroom when the speedster had suddenly burst into your room and dragged you out, ignoring your blatant protests. "Pietro tell me where we're going!" He stopped abruptly causing you to bump into his back and mumble a silent 'sorry'.

"We are going on a date." He said it as if it were obvious while waving his hands around. You knew he got restless when he stayed still for a while because of his enhanced speed, something that you found remarkably endearing. "Let me get dressed first, love." You smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips before rushing back to your room and locking it behind you. After ten minutes Pietro knocked on your door impatiently.

"Are you ready?" The impatience in his tone brought a smile to your face.

You sighed as you looked in the mirror and applied mascara and eyeliner. "Not quite. Give me five minutes." That five minutes soon turned into twenty. As soon as you exit your room wearing your (f/c) dress and nude heels, Pietro grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips whispering, "you look beautiful, moya Lyubov."

You blushed a deep scarlet and kissed his cheek sweetly. "You don't look so bad yourself handsome," you whispered seductively in his ear before pulling away and walking towards the elevator.

With a small growl, Pietro grabbed you from around the waist and rushed both of you down the thirty sets of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. He set you down carefully once you reached the lobby, grabbed your hand and led you out into the streets of New York where people bustled around, rushing to get to their destinations. The lights of the city blinked brightly in contrast to the darkening sky. The two of you walked hand in hand down the streets, chatting about nothing in particular.

Pietro suddenly pulled you into a park that was surrounded by forestry. You looked up at him in question, but he just smirked and pulled you forward. You entered the small forest and were enchanted by its beauty. The trees above cast a canopy over the two of you as birds sang and bugs chirped. You let go of Pietro's hand and reached out a touched a small shrubbery. "I haven't gotten a chance to really enjoy New York and everything it has to offer." You commented. Between living with the Avengers in the tower and working with SHIELD, you had no time to enjoy the outdoors. You were always cooped up doing work, surrounded by technology and buildings.

Soon enough Pietro was several steps ahead of you due to your slow pace compared to him. "Pietro wait up." You huffed as you faced his back. He sighed and ran back to you in a blur and grabbed you before rushing through the forest to a clearing. "You were too slow," he said smiling at you and ignoring the pout on your face.

Instead of fighting him on it, you shrugged in his arms and replied with a crinkle by your eyes, "no Pietro, you're just too fast." He set you down and you looked around the clearing. Flowers grew around the edges and trees loomed over the area. There was an edge of a cliff several feet away. A picnic was set in the middle of the clearing, resting upon the soft green grass.

"Pietro. This is beautiful!" You smiled and hugged him tightly around his waist. His strong arms tightened around your shoulders and held you for several moments, his head buried in your hair. He reluctantly let you go, grabbing your hand and leading you to the picnic and set you down before taking a seat himself. You spent the evening laughing at each other and talking about everything but nothing at the same time. You ate your (fav/food) with strawberries covered in white chocolate for dessert. By the time the sky was completely dark and the stars glowed, you were settled between his legs, Pietro's arms around you with your head on his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Pietro asked, breaking the comfortable silence. You lifted your head from his chest and looked up at him, a confused look settling on your face when you saw that he was serious. "Of course, you tell me every day." He nodded and sat up to join you. "Why do you ask?" You asked curiously. "It's just with all the missions and stuff I haven't gotten enough time to you myself." His sparkling blue eyes looked into yours before you grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. He responded just as strongly, wrapping one arm around your waist and the other gently grasping the side of your face. You reluctantly pulled away and smiled brightly at your boyfriend with the same dazed look you always had when you were around him.

"I'll love you, Pietro, till the day I die."

"And I'll love you until the day I cast my last breath"

With that, you sealed the promise with a kiss under the twinkling stars of the starry night.

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