Teenage Peter Maximoff x Reader Part One

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Request for Turntabl-3

Teenage Peter Maximoff x Reader Part One

"You still dating that Pietro guy?" one of the football jocks sneered as he leaned against the locker beside yours. Alex, the jock, had been trying to get with you since the beginning of freshman year and has still been unsuccessful for three years.

Rolling your eyes, shut your locker and turned to face him, "his name is Peter." Alex let out a quiet, "whatever," in response.

"And yes, we are still happily together." The two of you started walking to your class with Alex holding your books, which he did every day when he walked you to class. Even though you and Alex had disagreements when it came to Peter, you were still friends at the very least. Alex hated Peter because he was, first of all, dating you, and second, he hated mutants and thought Peter was one with his unnatural silver locks.

You were too engrossed in your conversation with Alex that you hadn't noticed Peter walk up. "Hey (y/n)!" He said enthusiastically as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. You immediately smiled at his presence and leaned into him, kissing his cheek. "Hey, Peter, what's up?"

Peter ran a hand through his hair as he thought of the right words to say, "Uh, you can't come over today." He blurted out. His eyes widened as his mind caught up with his words, "I mean Wanda caught the bug and mom is out looking for a job, so I have to babysit."

Even though he had a valid reason, you felt as if Peter was hiding something from you. You normally went over to his house on Fridays to help him with his homework and watch movies. Besides that, Ms. Maximoff normally had no problem with you helping Peter watch over Wanda. "Yeah Peter, it's completely fine. I'll come over another day?" You asked, hoping to see your boyfriend this weekend.

"Oh yeah sure! Listen I got to go. See you later!" He rushed off before you could get in a word, making you sigh in disappointment. He usually gave you a peck before he left, and recently he was being more distant and withdrawn.

"Well, he seems very sketchy," Alex commented unnecessarily. You smacked him in the chest and rushed off to class with a frown on your face.


The day seemed to drag on ever since you got home. You had no one to keep you company, leaving you to die of boredom. You rolled around a couple of times in your bed before getting up and putting on your coat and shoes. With a yell to your mom telling her you were going for a walk, you left the house and wandered down the quiet streets of your neighbourhood.

The neighbourhood was beautiful in the fall, with orange, red and yellow leaves floating through the air and littering the ground. The light fall breeze blew your (h/c) hair into your face, causing you to slip and fall over a rock in your momentary blindness. Laughing at yourself, you pushed yourself and looked around to see if anyone saw and where you ended up. Without knowing it, you ended up at the Maximoff household.

The house looked as it normally did, except the fact the Ms. Maximoff's car was in the driveway, when it shouldn't be since Peter said she was out looking for a job. With a frown, you walked up to the house and hesitated before the door.

Maybe she decided you stay home? You thought. Surely Peter wouldn't do anything to betray your trust.

But you had to make sure. Instead of knocking, you wandered around to the side of the house where there was a window that had a direct sight into the basement of the house, aka Peter's man cave. You took a couple of deep breaths and mentally prepared yourself for what you were going to see.

At first, you saw nothing. Peter wasn't playing his arcade game or ping pong, which was what he normally did to pass time. You moved closer in hopes to get a better look.

What you saw was something that should have shocked you but didn't. It still hurt, nonetheless. In the far corner of the basement, where you had to move closer to see, was Peter and Jessamine making out on his couch.

The signs were all there, him being distant, hanging around other girls, always having excuses. But you had turned a blind eye and let it go. What made it worse was that it was the girl who made fun of you a lot throughout grade and middle school, the very one that made Peter stay at your house when you were crying and didn't think you were pretty enough.

Tears started streaming down your face right away. With a hasty hand, you wiped it away and shakily stood up. Then you broke out into a run and tried to get as far away as possible from the house that had your heart shattering into a million pieces.

Once again not knowing where you were going, you found yourself in front of Alex's house. Your hand reached up to knock on the door, which was answered by the man himself. He didn't even have to ask to know that something was wrong, and it involved Peter. He pulled you up into a fierce hug and let you cry into his shirt. Alex picked you up and brought you into his house, shutting the door behind him. You felt yourself being placed onto his lap and immediately gripped the back of his shirt. Warm hands gently rubbed your back in comfort as he silently provided you the comfort you desperately needed.

The warmth and comfort from Alex reminded you that it's not Peter's arms around you. Sobbing harder, you managed to say three words to Alex, "You were right."



EDITED march 3, 2021

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