Peter Quill x Reader

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Request for Amatersu-Aiko

Peter Quill x Reader

To be completely honest here, you had no idea where you were. One second you were walking through the forest near your home, and the next you were in this weird futuristic city. You had no idea how you got there or why you were there, but you had to find out somehow. You wandered around aimlessly for several minutes, finding no signs that would pinpoint your location. With a defeated sigh, you fell onto the bench and put your head in your hands. You were lost in a foreign place and all alone.

"You look depressed." A very enthusiastic voice broke you out of your stupor. You looked up to see a brown-haired guy standing in front of you wearing weird red leather clothing. You stared at him for a couple of seconds and seeing as you weren't going to talk, he did, "you alright?"

Blinking several times, you finally answered, "not really. I'm kind of lost and have no idea where I am."

The male in front of you looked confused. He stared at you as you were crazy, "lost? You're in Xander!"

"Xander? What the hell is that?" You questioned, already feeling emotionally drained and done with life. "You're not from around here are you?" The man in front of you asked with an understanding look on his face.

"Obviously!" You couldn't help but yell out the obvious.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's alright. My name Peter and I can help you out." Peter held out his hand, and after a few moments you took it with a smile. "y/n."

With that, the two of you began walking down the beautiful and strange streets of Xander. Every few moments Peter would point something out or say something funny, making this odd situation a lot better. Soon the two of you came across a building that had a bright yellow sign and the name written in a language unknown to you. Peter put his hand out to stop you, making you raise your eyebrow. "Before you leave Xander, you must eat at this cafe!" With that, he intertwined your fingers and pulled you into the cozy shop.

As soon as you entered the shop, you could smell the heavenly aroma of different drinks and treats. The shop was full of people chatting about and waitresses buzzing from table to table. The caramel-coloured shop reminded you of... well, home. It was so welcoming and alive!

Peter led you to a boot in the corner of the room, hidden from the prying eyes of those around you. The attractive man took a seat in front of you and hollered for a blond-haired waitress to come over. You were very amused by his behaviour. Back home, the guys in your life were often too serious and egotistic, a huge difference to this enthusiastic, humorous Peter Quill.

Peter ended up ordering something that was unfamiliar to you, but when it arrived, it looked like heaven served on a plate.

Maybe this isn't so bad.

You're in a foreign place with a hot, funny guy. Bonus: you get free and literally out of this world food!!

You were brought out of your thoughts by Peter clearing his throat and pointing his fork at you. In return, you raised an eyebrow at him. "So, I've been thinking," Peter started with his mouth full, "If I can steal a pod and maybe not get caught, then I can get you to Earth."

"Steal it? Aren't there any pods going to Earth?" You asked confused. Peter shouldn't have to get in trouble for you.

"The nearest launch could be in weeks. This will be the fastest." He explained. "You would do that for me?" You asked curiously. This man, who you had just met, was willing to steal a pod and fly you to Earth.

"Yeah, I mean I would do anything for a pretty lady," Peter said as he sent you a wink. The blood rushed to your face and you coughed to cover up your embarrassment.

Ten minutes later, the two of you were done eating and were walking down the streets of Xander once again. The sun was setting in the distance making the walk a tad bit more romantic. Well, in your opinion very romantic. Peter had long since interlocked your fingers together, swaying them between your two bodies. By now the two of you had spent several hours together, just enjoying each other's company. Peter had reassured you that you could spend the night at his place, which rose some suspicion in you when you remembered you just met this guy a couple of hours ago, but you had no better option.

Peter abruptly yanked on your interlocked hands and pulled you off to the side. "Peter! What are you doing?" You shouted in surprise. "C'mon I have got to show you something." He shot you a wide smile and continued dragging you down the street. He stopped after two minutes, and you noticed that you were at a pier. Below you, the glistening blue lake reflected the sunset in a blur of orange and reds. You were in awe at what you were seeing. You had never really seen anything this beautiful on Earth since you lived deep in the city.

"It's so beautiful." You whispered in awe as if your voice would disturb the peace. You leaned over the railing a bit, with Peter's arm secured around your waist. "It sure is." Peter breathed out. Looking over, you noticed he wasn't looking at the view but at you. His charming line caused you to turn a deep red as he turned you towards him.

His hand that wasn't holding your waist reached up to your chin and tilted it up, exposing your face to his. "So beautiful," he said before firmly pressing his lips to yours. You responded immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging at his hair to deepen the kiss. Around you, the sun had completely set, and the glisten of stars became visible, but neither of you pulled away. After a few moments did you pull away with a smile on your face. Peter had the same goofy smile on his face.

"Wow," you breathed out in awe, "that kiss was out of this world." You and Peter looked at each other before laughing hysterically. When you finally calmed down, Peter unwound his arms from around your waist and offered his hand to you.

"Shall we go to my humble abode, milady?" He said in a terrifyingly accurate British accent. You chuckled before taking his hand.

"We shall."


lol short and late

like me!

not edited, i had nothing to write on for this so it took three weeks to write cause i cant stick to one thing :( 

well its up

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