Johnny Storm x Reader

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*Pretend he has blonde hair lol*

Request for Jamie2648 

Teen and Adult Johnny Storm x Reader

"Hey! Watch out!" A teenage voice shouted from across the field as a football came spiralling towards the raven-haired girl. Jamie Laufeyson barely glanced up at the voice, and merely raised a hand in the air and plucked the ball out the air. Her eyes never strayed from the book her father had given her to read. Granted it was about world domination, but that was something Loki loved to joke about.

Jamie lifted her head when she heard hurried footsteps and panting. Soon a teenage boy around her age stood above her sitting frame. "How did you catch that?" He shouted as he motioned to the ball then to her and back again. His eyes held wonder and disbelief, which Jamie often saw a lot in her peers when they saw her do something that wasn't reading. "I play," The raven-haired beauty stated in a 'duh' voice.

"Why haven't I seen you around?" The blonde teenager in front of her demanded with crossed arms. Jamie hated to admit it, but he was attractive. With his blonde hair, Prussian blue eyes, and muscular build. However, Jamie wouldn't tell or show him in any way that she found him good looking.

"I'm allergic to guys who play football." Of course, she wasn't allergic to football guys- that would be tragic- it was her dad that told her to avoid getting attached to any mortal. Truly, he probably didn't want to deal with a 'weak' human who thought they were worthy of his little girl.

The boy, whose name Jamie did not know, looked at her strangely. "Okay," he said drawing out 'o', "what's your name?"

Jamie debated whether or not she should tell him. In the end, she decided to just go ahead and tell him. "Laufeyson. Jamie Laufeyson." She smiled and offered him a hand.

He took it with an equally bright smile, "Storm. Johnny Storm."


Some years later

"Hey! Watch out!" A sudden shout pulled Jamie out of her daydreaming. She looked up to see a guy slam into her, sending the both of them to the ground. Behind him, several men shouted a familiar name as they tried to catch up to the mysterious man. With a groan, Jamie stood up and offered a hand to the fallen man. He reached for her hand, creating a shock when their skin met and looked deep into her eyes. Jamie gasped as she saw the familiar boy in front of her. Except he was no longer a boy, he was now a man.

"Johnny?" Jamie whispered as she let go of his hand in shock, sending him back to the ground. He muttered profanities but stood up, nonetheless. "Jamie?" His eyes ran over her body, again and again, taking her in. It seemed puberty had done both of them good. Johnny had gotten much taller, towering over Jamie. His frame was muscular and from what Jamie could see, he had a six-pack. His cobalt blue eyes seemed darker, but with a twinkle in his eye that brightened them up. He had the jaw of a god as if it were perfectly cut from marble and chiselled to perfection.

Meanwhile, Johnny seemed to be on the same thinking path as the female before him. The previous years since high school had done wonders to her appearance. Her hair had grown out into long, luscious black locks. She had finally grown into her hourglass figure and height of 5 ft 7. He admired her jade eyes that made her look exactly like her dad.

"It's been so long!" Jamie exclaimed but was interrupted as Johnny pulled her into an alley and pushed her against the wall. His body was right against hers, his breath fanning on her nose and lips. Jamie couldn't help but think back to those amazing two years of high school where she and Johnny had been lovers. She was reminded of all the sweet kisses, the passionate and eager kisses, along with the first awkward ones. Every memory that she had tried to block came crashing down on her as she continued to gaze into his stunning eyes.

"What're you doing?" She mumbled through semi-closed lips. He shushed her as he peeked out of the alley for anyone that could've followed them. In that time that Jamie managed to not think about his lips, she noticed he was wearing some weird suit thing. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"It's a flame-retardant suit." He answered nonchalantly as if she was supposed to know why he was wearing one. "Why the hell are you wearing something for firefighters?" She asked incredulously.

Johnny then looked at her in disbelief, "you don't know who I am?"

Jamie full out laughed at this. "You're Johnny Storm. Hot, cocky, no longer a teenage boy from high school." She listed off. The man in front of her sighed and stepped back from her. Jamie tried not to seem disappointed from the sudden coldness that settled into her bones when he moved away from her. And that's saying something since she never got cold.

"Since you don't know," he stated, "I'll just show you." With that, he exploded into flames. Flames took over the shape of his whole body and glowed a bright red and orange colour. Jamie's back met the wall of the alley as she stumbled back with a yelp. Her instincts kicked in at her panic and she shot a blast of cold air at Johnny, causing the flames to cease and for him to stumble backwards.

"What the fuck!" The now human man shouted as he tried to catch his breath.

"Who are you?" Jamie shouted as she tried to get away from the man who was not the Johnny she knew. "It's me! Johnny, your ex! The guy you left." The two words resonated in her head, you left you left you left.

"I did not leave! I've been out of the country trying to save my father from himself! You have no right to say I left you when I told you I needed to help my father!" The raven-haired woman shouted; her eyes tinted red while her delicate hands hardened and formed a fist. "What was so important that you had to leave me for six years!" Johnny shouted back while flames started to lick up his arms.

Tears formed in Jamie's eyes while her hands unclenched in defeat, "my dad discovered something that tore him apart. He was mad- no, he was fuming. He tried to kill people, innocent people because something came over him when he was vulnerable." Jamie tried not to cry in front of Johnny but failed to keep the tears at bay.

The blonde couldn't stand to see the grief and tears on the face of the woman he loved. Jamie was not someone who readily showed weakness, but this seemed to be something that truly haunted her.

"Hey, come here." He opened his thick arms for her to settle in and let her cry her into his chest. "I'm sorry for acting like a jerk."

"You are a jerk." Her muffled voice spoke out from where her face was nestled into his neck. His arms held her waist tighter as she lifted her face and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their eyes met and they stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.

"I missed you," Johnny finally admitted, "I never stopped loving you, even when you were gone all those years. I know this isn't the right time, but you need to know." He leaned even closer to Jamie as she stood on her tippy toes to bring them closer together.

"I never stopped loving you," with that fire met ice in a flurry of passion, love, regret, and hope. Everything they never said to each other was said in that long kiss. The kiss sealed a future for the two superhumans (well superhuman and Etin).

"I love you." They both whispered and swooped in for another kiss that had Jamie's heart melting.


lol, wut. I kinda saw myself in Jamie but realized I would never be able to catch that ball. even if im on the rugby team (and I still wonder how I made it cause I can't run? or do like anything except pancake someone.)

this literally started one way and went another. hope you like it!

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