Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was sitting on the flat part of the roof of Joshua's house. I hadn't gone home yet; I was waiting to see if they noticed that I was gone. I wasn't invisible anymore, so if they came up here, they would find me and my bag.

I had left my school stuff and crutches at Kevin's house, but I didn't care. I didn't need the crutches now that I could use my energy to heal myself, and I didn't care about the school stuff. That was Joshua's and he has enough money to buy three binders and a notebook.

I heard voices coming from the open window in the kitchen, but they didn't sound very urgent. They didn't know I could fly, so they were probably assuming I was sulking in my room. I checked my watch, it had been ten minutes. I stood up and grabbed my bag. I turned invisible and started flying back home.

When I was flying above my street, about to land on the roof next to the skylight, I saw my mom's red mustang pulling down the street and turning onto the long driveway. I opened the skylight and dropped into my room. I quick changed into sweats and pulled out my laptop from its charging port next to my bed and sat at my desk.

I heard the garage platform lower into the underground parking deck, and I threw some clothes and food wrappers around my room to make it seem more like I was here for two weeks. I walked down the stairs to see my mom.

"Oh, good. You're here," she said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"I called you about 30 minutes ago and you didn't answer. I tracked your phone and found it was at some house in the suburbs."

I left my phone at Kevin's.  I didn't even realize that.  Luckily, I always had excuses. This wasn't the first time I did something I didn't want my mom to know about.

"That's where it is?! I flew to the store to get more food and I couldn't find my phone once I got there. I thought I just left it at home but I guess I dropped it and some kid thought 'Hey, free iPhone.'"

"But wouldn't it have broken when it fell?"

"I don't fly that high. Plus I have all those protective cases on it."

"Ok. I'll deactivate it and get you a new one. Did you watch the news?"

"No." That was the truth, but I figured she was talking about Kade, Cameron and Lilianne.

Then I remembered something, when I was at Joshua's, something weird happened whenever I was talking to Lilianne in my head. I tried it again.

Lilianne, if you can hear this, my mom's home. Don't come to my house until she's gone.

"Ok. There's been sightings of superheroes. I don't think it was you because there were three, but you have to be careful."

"Superheroes? Who else had powers but me? Where are they? What powers do they have?" I always ask my mom a ton of questions, and if I didn't, then she would become suspicious.

"I don't know. Just be careful. I came back here just to check on you. I have to go back to work now. It'll be a long trip. I'm heading to the Australian branch and won't be home for a month or so."

"A month?"

"Sorry, but I've had longer trips and you've survived. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Go on your trip, bring me home a koala."


"If you can. Otherwise a kangaroo. Or a wallaby. Wallabies are adorable."

Mom gave me a hug and went up to her room, not expecting I was up to something. She came back down with three suitcases, and then went down to the lab to grab something.  Unless she stored other stuff in her bag when she went downstairs, the only thing she grabbed was a small black box, but I didn't pay any mind to it.  I had enough problems right now.  She came back up and got into her car and pulled down the driveway.

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