Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I had to figure my way out of this. My powers were still working, for some reason. I could get out of here and get help, but who would I go to? I had to get their powers working, and fast.

Mom did something with whatever that serum was Kevin wanted them to use to deactivate their powers, so she must've gotten ahold of that and turned it into a vapor. But how would she have gotten it?

Wait. How could I not realize that? Kevin said his last name was Morgan. Just like Bree. How did I not at least consider that?

Lillianne had pulled Joshua behind them and the three of them were standing, ready to fight. Mom laughed. "Do you really want to fight? After all, none of you have powers."

"Neither do you," Kade said. "Three against one, we could take you."

"Could you? Really?" She ran around the room at super speed. "I think you're wrong."

"You have speed? How is it still working in here?" Lillianne asked.

"Not just speed. Anything you can do, I can do. You have Joshua to thank for that."

"And then you figured a way around the power block," Cameron said.

"Yep. It wasn't that hard."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Look, kids. You wouldn't understand. But my brother has been keeping something from me for a while. A chance to be known. I've been overshadowed by him for a while, first in tech and then in chem and then in having superheroes."

"Foley," Lillianne said quietly.

"Oh, you've heard of her? Too bad she can't help you. Her powers were the only ones I was never able to figure out. Something was always missing in keeping them under control and functional. I could never figure it out. But I can do without flight and invisibility"

If there was something in the air that caused them to not have their powers, then if I could just get it out of the air around them, then they could fight.

I had one shot at this. I imagined a shell around the three of them, a shell that allowed them to move and breathe, but wouldn't let the vapor that deactivates their powers through.

Can you guys hear me?

I didn't know if it was working or not; I couldn't see it. But less than a minute later, I had a response.

Thanks, Foley. Any ideas on how to beat her?

I didn't know she gave herself powers. I don't know how to defeat her.

"Enough of just standing around." Mom pushed a button on a remote and a bunch of people teleported in. Among them were Kevin, Carrie and a bunch of other people. "You beat them once, but after I gave them some upgrades, you won't be able to now."

"Upgrades?" Kade asked.

"They're robots. I can give upgrades to them." She said this like it was clearly obvious. She flipped her dyed, black hair over her shoulder and said, "Now, attack!"

They started at Lillianne, Kade and Cameron. They're robots, they had to be controlled by something. The started up with the remote, but then they were voice activated. I could go for the remote, which should either dismantle them or make them harder to control.

The remote was in my mom's hand. I focused a tiny bit of energy to go inside the cracks of it. Once I could feel them inside, I expanded it causing the remote to explode.

The robots stopped for a second, and Cameron was able to take most of them out before they could reboot. There was only one left, and it was slowly moving towards Kade. I held out my hand and blasted it. Some metallic shards flew off and grazed his arm. It was lightly dripping blood, and one touch from Lillianne fixed it.

"How did you-? What just-? None of you had kinetic manipulation or absorption. I would've figured it out."

"Yeah, we can't beat you," Kade said as he stood side by side with his brother and sister. They looked like true superheroes even without their gear. Just the way they stood was 'I have power and I will do whatever I need to in order to protect everyone.'

I was invisible in the corner. I probably didn't look like a superhero at all.

Mom laughed. "You didn't beat me. Not even close. You just surprised me. A minor setback." She pushed a button and I saw an energy wall forming between them and her.

Cameron started running at it, but he collided with it and fell to the floor. "I can't get through."

"It's an energy wall. None of you can. Only I can turn it off."

I tried to force a hole in it. None of them could actually see the wall because they didn't feel energy the way I do. Which meant none of them knew I had just put a hole in it.

If you go to the far right side, I made a hole in it. She can't tell. I'll try to keep it open as long as I can.

You're amazing, Foley.

Thanks, Kade.

Lillianne teleported to the other side and Cameron and Kade ran through. "How did you get through?"

"We made a hole."

"How? There's no way."

"There's a way."

"Foley. She has kinetic manipulation. I can't believe her."

Might as well make a dramatic entrance.

I appeared and started walking through the wall. "What can't you believe? That I would leave the house when I found out there were other people like me? It's not that hard to believe. I'm a teenager. But you." I laughed softly. "What I can't believe is that you lied to me about where you were all this time. All those business trips, how many of them were actually business trips? And how many of them were excuses to get away and plan this?"

"Foley, you don't understand what you're getting yourself into."

"I think I do."

I brought the energy wall down and created energy cuffs for my mom's wrists and ankles. I made sure they were visible energy. They held.

"Thanks Foley," Lillianne said.

"Is Joshua ok?" We rushed over to him. Lillianne put her hand on his arm.

"I can't do anything. The poison's spread too far. It's too late." She bit her lip, clearly trying not to cry. Then she turned to face my mom. "I can't believe you just KILLED him. He's your brother!" Her rage seemed to be uncontrollable.

"Lane, calm down," Cameron said. "I'm mad too, but we can't overreact."

Lillianne nodded. I felt a slight pain in my arm from where one of the robot shards hit me earlier, but I just ignored it. I was still keeping the energy armor around the three of them in order to keep their powers intact and I still had the energy cuffs on my mom.

We were going to get out of this.


Nearing the end of the book, but there will still be a little bit more action.  (possibly a lot, but I don't want to give anything away)

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