Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

One week later

The curb was hard and not that comfortable to sit on, but I didn't want to go anywhere else. The beeping from the construction equipment was loud and annoying, but I didn't bother covering my ears.

There was next to nothing left of the house. The explosion had taken out the support, and anything that didn't collapse was burned in the fire. The only things that were left were a giant hole and rubble.

"It's time to go." I turned around and looked at Lillianne. She was wearing a pair of dress pants and a blue sweater. I was wearing jeans and a grey hoodie.

I sighed and she held out her hand. "Have they found her yet?" I asked.

"No, but they might have a lead," she replied.

I jumped to my feet. "Then let's go!"

Lillianne shook her head. "We're not going after her. We handed that job over to the police."

I waved my hands in frustration. "But she could be anywhere, doing anything. And we aren't trying to stop her?"

Lillianne shook her head again. "We have enough to deal with."

I crossed my arms and sat back down.

Lillianne pulled on my arm. "Come on. We're going to be late."

I spun around and looked at her. "For what?"

"Now that everything has settled down a bit, we have to deal with Joshua's will and everything," she replied.

I stood up and held out my hand. She grabbed it and we appeared in the law office. Kade and Cameron were already there.

"Ah, you must be Foley," the man sitting behind the desk said. He had grey hair and was shifting papers around on his desk.

"Yes," I replied. I may be in a bad mood, but I still had to be polite. Plus, I had been in a bad mood for the entire week because I wasn't able to do anything to find my mom.

"I hope you all are feeling better after what happened at your house, Foley. But I'm glad the hospital finally let you four out."

That was another thing that put me in a bad mood. Being stuck in the hospital for almost four days to get checked out. I tried to leave multiple times, then got put down as a flight risk and had to get a ton of security stuff put on me.

Lillianne got out first because of her ability to heal herself. She was going to do it to the three of us, but the doctors didn't want to because 'it wasn't tested and it could be dangerous' or whatever.

Then once we got out of the hospital, the police wouldn't let us go look for Brittney because it was 'too dangerous.'

All this stuff people think is dangerous, and I've dealt with much worse.

I wanted to pull my hood over my head, turn invisible and fly away, but I had to be here. After this, I could leave and never come back. I could live completely off the grid and no one would ever see me again. Ever.

"Because of the circumstances surround your... unique... situation, I've had to do a few things a little differently," the man said. "First of all, I'm Mr. Michael Hills, from Hills Attorneys. I was in charge of your father's, and your uncle's, will and inheritance. Mr. Kade, you have been left the house and the estate. Mr. Cameron, you have been left the four cars as well as the boats and the jet. Ms. Lillianne has been left the company, and Ms. Foley has been left five million dollars. The remaining money in his account has been evenly divided between his three children."

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