Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Lillianne was moving some stuff around on the tables on the other side of the room, trying to find some way to open the door. There were a lot of vials and boxes of stuff on the tables, a lot like the lab at my house.

My house. Where would I go now that Joshua was dead and my mom was a psycho who wanted my cousins dead and killed her own brother? I'm not old enough to legally live on my own, and Kade, Cameron and Lillianne weren't legally adults either. I suppose I could go off the grid, but then all my stuff would go who knows where.

And I honestly don't want to go off the grid. I have people who are there for me, who care for me. I don't want to leave them.

I looked at my mom; she was smiling. Despite the fact she had been defeated, she was smiling. Maybe there wasn't a way to open the doors, maybe we would all be stuck down here forever.

Maybe I'm thinking a little too dark.

I continued to focus on keeping the bubble around the three of them, the energy cuffs intact, and the energy wall down. The pain in my arm grew sharper.

I looked at my arm. There was no blood. There was no cut.

I had never been hit.

Why did my arm hurt so much?

Suddenly, the world flickered. I fell to the ground and watched as the energy wall came down between the three of them and me. I was on the side with my mom.

And her cuffs were gone.

Guys, I need my formula.

They didn't respond.

Their powers were inactive.

I felt my mom's fake nails digging into my arm as she watched Cameron about to step towards the box with the formula.

"Oh go right ahead," she said to him. Lillianne put her hand on his shoulder.


"Oh, no. No trap. Just a choice. You take the formula, I take Foley. You don't take the formula, I give you Foley. Simple choice, really."

I looked at Lillianne with pleading eyes. The formula couldn't give my mom powers. It wasn't possible. That formula was the one I use to keep my powers active, not activate them in the first place. I couldn't say that in front of my mom; that would take away the lead I have over her. But I had to tell Lillianne.

"Grab it, Cameron," Lillianne said. He grabbed it and ran back.

I couldn't believe them.

"Such nice cousins you have," my mom said. Suddenly, we appeared in her lab at home.

"How many powers did you give yourself?" I asked.

"Strength, speed, teleportation, all the ones that those three have. I gave them all to my army and myself. The only ones I couldn't figure out were yours. I didn't want to make you suspicious, since this entire time my plan was just to for the world to remember us."

"Then why do you need an army?"

"To weed out people who oppose me. Originally my list was just Joshua, but then once he wouldn't tell "Bree" the serum behind the kids' powers, I decided to kill him to gain custody of those three. Getting their information was easy, yours was not. I was never able to figure out your powers, but I figured you would agree with me. But then my plan was thrown off when you had been living with them for who knows how long. You became devoted to them, but they wouldn't save you when they were given a choice."

"Why? Why would you do all that?"

"Originally, it was to make me the most well know scientist in the world, and for you to become a real life superhero, one that everyone loved. But then those three brats had to make themselves known and throw everything out of balance. I can still become the most well-known scientists in the world, but you'll just be a new superhero that puts the other three to shame."

"Why would you want that? You have everything you need."

"I did this for us, for you. For us to work together. We could be amazing, Foley. All you have to do is tell me how your powers work and help me make another formula."

"I can't." The world was going spotty, but I needed to stay awake. I had to stay strong.

"Why not?"

"I don't think it would work."

"Now, I'll give you a choice. You can make a new batch of formula for me or I can drain it out of myself."

I shook my head. "That won't work. My powers are basically inactive right now. All you would do is create a weakness for your army." I didn't know if that was what would happen, but I needed time.

"Then create a new batch."

I sighed and got to work. It didn't take long. Once I got it, I jammed the needle into my arm and pushed it down. I could feel my energy coming back.

Mom grabbed it before I could get it all. There was a little bit left.

She looked really mad. "I thought you were making it for me?!"

I shrugged. "You thought wrong."

"What don't you get when I say I'm doing this for you?"

"That fact that I don't want it. That's what!"

"First Joshua. Then the kids. Now you. I've taken care of all the other ones, Foley, you don't stand a chance. I take care of anyone that gets in my way."

"Taken care of?"

"Oh yes. A majority of my army is at their house right now. The rest are here in case you try anything."

"Can you tell them something for me?" I asked.


"Your army here."


"Tell them to do their worst." I used a force field to get her off me, and then I flew up into the center of the room. I flicked my wrists and balls of energy formed in my hands. I threw them at any robot who came near me. The ones I hit were vaporized.

Mom was at a computer programming. I focused on the energy inside of it and it exploded.

"Foley! Stop it right now or else!"

"Or else what? You're already trying to kill me."

I kept holding off the robots, but they kept coming. I focused on the energy inside one, and it exploded. I did the same to another, and another, and another, until all the robots were on the ground.

My mother's eyes were filled with rage as she looked around her once beautiful, state-of-the-art lab, which now lay in ruins because of the fight.

"You were once my pride and joy. Now I don't care at all," she said. "My army can't do anything right without me."

I could've killed her with an energy blast right there, but despite everything she put me through, I hesitated. She was still my mom.

In that moment, she dropped something and disappeared. A countdown appeared on the wall. 5 seconds.

5 seconds until I would explode.

I looked at the doors to the stairs; both were on fire. I couldn't make it through without being charred.

I'm sorry, Kade, Cameron and Lillianne.

I fell to the ground and surrounded myself with a force field as the lab and the house exploded around me.

I love you guys.


Told you I wasn't done!!  Hope you enjoyed the plot twist!!

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