16. Yuyutsu In Anga

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I hugged Yuyutsu and his head came at my waist. I caressed his hair and kissed it.

Little brother!

"Now come with me. No more arguments", I told him sternly. He nodded slowly.

I took his hand in my hold and then walked back to the camps.

"Mitr", Duryodhan said.

He looked at Yuyutsu and then at me with a questioning look. I blinked at him and then walked towards Yuyutsu's mother.

"Kaki. I have one request to make", I said to her after some minutes when she was hugging her son.

A smile was plastered on my face seeing this moment of love between mother and son.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked fearfully.

I noticed how she was scared to even interact with me and that broke my heart. I wish I could erase these differences some day.

"I want you, Yuyutsu and your daughter to live in Anga", I announced.

Everyone were visibly shocked at my words.

"And I declare that Yuyutsu will be minister in my court", I said to all of them.

Everyone looked even more shocked at that.

It seemed like their jaws fell on floor.

"Are you in your senses mitr?" Duryodhan asked looking at Yuyutsu.

"Yes. I am completely in my senses. Why do you ask that though?" I said. Duryodhan looked at Yuyutsu again and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. He's your brother only", I assured.

Duryodhan looked at me deadpanned and I ignored it.

This time it's him who has to listen to me!

"Come aside", Duryodhan said and held my hand. We both went aside. Drama is about to begin.

Where's the popcorn?!

"You are making 'him' the minister of your kingdom? Why?" Duryodhan asked.

"What do you mean by 'him'?" I mimicked in his tone.

Duryodhan looked at me annoyed.

"Stop it. You know very well what I am talking about", he glared at me and I glared back.

"No I don't know", I crossed my arms.

"Karna", he sighed exasperated. "You pretty well know what he did!" He exclaimed in disbelief.

"What he did! Oh Yes! He came in the dream of your father and told him to go to his mother despite being married", I said blunty.

Duryodhana's eyes widened.

"Karna..." he whispered in a hurt tone.

I sighed heavily.

I kept my hands on his shoulders and looked at him in the eyes.

"He did nothing except taking birth from the womb of a woman with whom your father got engaged. His mother did nothing except serving the king because she didn't have any other choice, not even to say no"

I continued even after seeing his sad face because he needed to see the truth. "The only one who has a fault in all this is your father. He is at wrong for letting you all treat that poor boy badly and ignoring the fact of his entire existence so stop hating on someone who is at faultless as you", I told him sternly.

I raised my hand stopping him when he attempted to speak.

"Duryodhan, out of everyone it's you who made me a king despite being a Suta and I have loved you for your honorable treatment towards me. I expected the least of you to treat your very own brother like that despite knowing the truth. You ignored it. Like this society punishes us low caste for something uncontrollable that is taking birth in a family, you punished him just for being the child of your father's affair", I said angrily.

"If my own bestfriend does it with his brother, on whose support will I fight? To get success in my revolution, I have to speak against every wrong no matter it's done by you or myself. I can't be biased. So I spoke the facts to you. Apply your brains and think if your hatred is justified towards Yuyutsu", I said harshly and left him to ponder.

I walked towards Yuyutsu.

"I need you in Anga the very next day we return", I ordered strictly and he nodded.

I looked at Duryodhan to see he was standing the same way.

Cmon Duryodhan. I don't expect this of you!

I looked as he came back towards me. "I guess you are right", he sighed. "Our behaviour towards him was wrong. It isn't justified. He's my brother", Duryodhan said.

A smile appeared on my face hearing it.

"So are you ready to give him a big hug?" I asked cautiously. He didn't say anything just stared at me and then grinned.

He rushed towards Yuyutsu and pulled him in a hug. "I am sorry my brother. I love you a lot", he said. Yuyutsu was shocked. He started crying hugging Duryodhan back.

Everyone were shocked seeing this.

Kauravas followed their eldest and hugged Yuyutsu. Dushala was the happiest not letting him go. She kept hugging him.

My eyes travelled towards Pandavas to see they were softly smiling.

My gaze fixed specifically on Arjun.

When is it? That I will be able to hug my younger brother like that?!

My eyes moistened at that.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. I had to make it happen. I couldn't be just emotional about it. I had to take action.

Because my coward mother would never.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. So much was wrong here and I didn't know how to solve everything.

But I was happy that I got success in making Duryodhan understand how wrong he was about Yuyutsu.

"Thank you Angraj", Yuyutsu's mother mouthed standing at her side with tears staring at the boys.

I smiled and blinked my eyes. I could read lips movement well. I understood what she was saying.

She approached me.

"Angraj", she said with a smile.

"I am so grateful to you", she said as Yuyutsu smiled at his mother agreeing. She held my son. "In order to give my thanks to you, I want to give you my daughter as your wife", she said sweetly.

My smile fell.

What the hell?!

My wives gasped standing beside me and widened their eyes.

I stared horrified at Dushala who looked ready to break down again.

And then I stared at the smiling face of Yuyutsu's mother.

*cries* everyone want me. Someone send me in Kalyug back!


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