1 - Motivation

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"You know, I've always wished I could pull off blue hair," my co-worker, Maxie, commented while we sat in our stylist chairs during our break.

"It takes a special person," I replied with a small laugh. My hair had been blue ever since I started at the salon two years ago when I was 19. Everyone here could probably identify me from a mile away at this point.

My phone buzzed from the counter, breaking up our conversation as I leaned forward to read it.

Brendan G.
Hey, come over at 7?

"Is that who I think it is?" Maxie questioned me, waggling her eyebrows. I grabbed my phone and pulled it to my chest to hide it. Maxie was the only one besides Brendan and me to know about the whole friends with benefits situation. I had to have at least one person to talk to about it, and considering her station was right next to mine, she was perfect.

"Yeah, yeah, it's Brendan," I replied with a shrug. "He wants me to come over later."

"Someone's getting some tonight!" Maxie teased me with a laugh. I pretended to be mad, but I laughed back anyways.

Stella D.
I'm there.

"Is it bad that I'm actually really excited?" I asked her, playing with the tips of my hair. They really needed a trim.

"Well, it depends," she replied. "If you're excited to see him, then yes. If you're excited for the sex, then no."

I took a moment to think. I was definitely excited for the sex.

"Okay, I'm good," I told her with another laugh. "We haven't had sex in two and a half weeks!"

"Stella, your next client is here," the receptionist called over our intercom system. I pushed myself out of the chair and made my way to the desk to take my next client.

"Hey, Kayla," I greeted her. She started coming to me right after I began working, and she was my favorite client. She immediately pulled me in for a hug before we went back to my station. I ran my fingers through her blonde hair.

"What's the plan today?" she questioned. That's why she was one of my favorites. She trusted me to take over her hair and do whatever I think looks good within reason. No blue hair, of course.

"I was thinking we darken up this blonde a little bit and then run some brighter highlights," I suggested to her. She smiled and gave a small a shrug.

"Sounds good to me, boss," she teased. My phone buzzed once again from the counter, and I glanced up into the mirror to look at Kayla. "You know you can read texts when I'm here!"

I smiled and came around the chair to see that Brendan had texted again.

Brendan G.
You know, I was thinking dinner and a movie.

What the fuck? Friends with benefits don't eat dinner and watch movies together. That's how feelings happen, and as far as I was concerned, feelings happening was not a part of the plan.

Stella D.
You're kidding me, right?

"What was it?" Kayla asked me as I lock my phone and set it down.

"Nothing," I replied quickly. "Let me go mix up your color, and I'll be right back."

"Your boyfriend texted back," Kayla teased me once I got back to the chair. I discreetly rolled my eyes.

"He's the furthest thing from my boyfriend," I informed her with a laugh.

Brendan G.
Obviously. Well, maybe not about the dinner. I usually get pretty hungry after sex. ;)

Hero {Brendan Gallagher}Where stories live. Discover now