Hi Cribbers, it's the third batch of the Judges Review and I know we're excited 🌝.
In this stage we have the following contestants:
010 SETH
010 SETH
“If you know you cannot run fast, come to this side.” Adinne the leader of our group says and only I step out.
We are all underneath the mango tree where we have our weekly meeting, Adinne is sitting on a low branch while we stand around her.
“This girl, upon you have long legs you cannot run.” Charly, the fattest girl in the whole street, says and everyone laughs.
Their laughter burns my ear and I bite my tongue to stop myself from crying, Charly always has something bad to say about me, one day I'll feed that girl sand.
“See this fatty bum bum talking, Enem shift back before she swallows you.” Adinne says and everyone laughs even more.
This is why I like Adinne. She always has a more insultive thing to say to someone who insults another person. I smile at her.
We are 6 girls in total: Achi and Arum, the two short ugly twins, are from the street next to ours, but they come to our street to play because we all go to the same school.
Uche, the very quiet one that always smells like ogiri isi.
Charly, the fatty bum bum whose mummy owns the mama-put down the street and Adinne whose father is a military soldier or is it a policeman, I don't know, the main thing is that everybody fears them.
“Ofele oya come out here and say what happened to you.” Adinne commands and Ofele, uche’s 6-year old sister who has been standing here along steps in between us.
She smells worse than Uche so I have to move back a little, so I can breathe.
“Aboy pushed me down.” She says and bursts out crying. The twins make a sound, the type people make when they are surprised.
“That stupid boy!” Achi, the older of the twins, says, twisting her face to be more ugly than it usually is.
“Nonsense.”Arum says, repeating the only English word she knows.
“It's because he entered jss1, he's now feeling like a big boy.” Charly says, and Adinne tells all of them to keep quiet.
“Is that all?” Adinne asks Ofele.
“No. Chugo and Emmanuel also hit me ball on my head and told me that I'm smelling.” she says and starts crying again.
“Maybe that's not what happened, you know this girl likes lying.” Uche says, talking for the first time.
“Ewu! abi it's because you like Aboy that's why you’re saying this thing” Achi shouts, pouring small spit on Uche’s face.
“Nonsense.” Arum agrees.
Ofele is still crying and Charly is telling her sorry, Uche calls the twins monkeys, and they start coming close to beat her. I try to separate them, but they push me aside, and I land on Charly who threatens to beat me.
Non-FictionProject Pen 2024 is here! This is our third annual award. The only competition of its kind, introduced to the Wattnaija Community. Our aim is to discover talents, uplift and motivate young, talented undiscovered authors. Do you think you have wha...