THE SEARCH {Faction Overseers and contestants Drafting Reveals}

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Who wants to finally know the names of the Overseers as well as the Factions that they are in charge of? And the contestants that they drafted into these Factions? Well, stay on this page. We have some tea in stall for you!


Firstly, if you followed Project Pen last year, raise up your hand. 🙋🏿

Because if you did, you would remember the following names:

• Delphinium.

• Dewdrop.

• Aurelius.

Rings a bell?

Well, there you have it, the Faction Overseers for this Search Stage of the competition is none other than our Top 3 Finalists of Project Pen, 2023. 🥹🔥

• Delphinium who was May, May__hem
and the Overseer of the Faction called The Regime.

• Dewdrop who was Dedun, Dedun_Herself and the Overseer of the Faction called The Dynasty.

• Aurelius who was Samuel Adelani (Delani), ElisElps and the Overseer of the Faction called The Heralds.

I hope we all can appreciate them. It's all so exciting!


The Regime:

005 Trafalgar.

001 The Pen Reaper.

003 Lioness.

004 Jay.

The Dynasty:

022 Man of Steeze.

019 The Ascendant.

008 Smeraldo.

018 The Ink Fairy.

015 Wendy Black.

The Heralds:

029 Medusa.

002 Caeser.

010 Seth.

30 Homa.

024 The Annoited Scribes.

So, that's it! Which Faction are you most excited for?🔥

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