𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈: For Us, In The Present

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Can you please talk to me?

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Can you please talk to me?

I'm sorry. It was my fault. You won't even look at me now.

At least let me hear your voice once more.

- A

My friends say I should do what I feel is right. And my head says that never talking to you again is exactly that. I don't want to talk to you, think of you, and I more especially can't find it in myself to forgive. But my heart says otherwise.

I hate that I still care about you. I hate you and your stupid ability to make me happy. Something about you made me feel just a little bit more alive. And you just had to go and ruin it.

You always do, right?

- R

Do you want your things back? I still have so many. They lie around my room and whenever I see them I die a little more inside.

I didn't believe in fate before. I thought it was kind of stupid. But now I think — maybe fate just split our paths when they were creating destiny. Maybe we were always preordained to descend from perfection to disaster.

But just so you know, if I could, I'd bend my strings of fate for you.

- A

I hope things turn out differently in another life.

If you'll still be there.

- R

What a beautiful tragedy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE. Just a quick author's note, this is an act divider; I'll be splitting this book up into three main chunks, and chunk one, the time the Reps spend in Neo, is over! The next bunch of chapters will be their time in the real world :)

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