Can I Even, Complicate Your Breathing ?

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Pruitt’s POV

My mother stood in my doorway, looking very embarrassed, a blush heating up her face. But I knew she wasn’t half as embarrassed as I was. No one said anything for a moment, and then my mom said “I made lunch if you guys are hungry.” I nodded, “Thanks, we’ll be down in a minute.” She closed the door behind her, and I glanced awkwardly at Vic. He looked sideways at me, and we both burst out laughing. I tugged him off the bench, and we made our way downstairs. “Are you hungry ?” I asked him. He shrugged. “My mom’s a great cook,” I told him, trying to make him feel more comfortable. The table was spread out with soup, salad, and rolls. I sat down and patted the chair next to me so he would know where to sit. I dished myself out smaller portions than normal so I wouldn’t look fat. I also ate more cautiously than normal, and slower. Vic made me so aware of my flaws, and all I wanted was to be perfect for him.

Vic and I chatted with my parents pretty easily, explaining to them how we’d met and such. We headed back to my room as soon as possible, racing one another up the stairs. I ran over to my bed and flopped down on it, burying my face in its plushiness. Vic dove onto the bed beside me. I lifted my head up, my face breaking into a stupid grin. Suddenly Vic’s arms shot out and he began to tickle me. I squirmed away, laughing loudly, but he wouldn’t stop. “Vic !” I yelled, breathless. He placed a hand over my mouth and nodded his head toward the door, indicating that my parents can hear us. He removed his hand and I propped myself up on my elbows. He looked at me for a moment, then flopped onto the bed again, staring at the ceiling and throwing one arm over his eyes. He sighed, and I watched him. I quickly assumed power position and straddled Vic. He removed his arms and his eyes shot open. I made a motion of tickling him, letting him know I had the power now. He arched an eyebrow, and I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his.

Vic’s POV

Grace stood in the doorway, obviously very embarrassed. We all stayed silent, and then she said “I made lunch for you guys if you want it.” She left the room quickly, and I saw Pruitt look to me to gauge my reaction. I glanced back at her and we laughed together. I do wish I had gotten to kiss her though, I’ve been waiting for that moment since the day I met her. She pulled me off the seat and asked me if I was hungry. Truth be told, I was starving, but I shrugged nonchalantly. I hadn’t gotten the chance to eat before I left, so I was very grateful to her mom right now. The food looked delicious, and it was actually a pretty good time. I liked her family, they were nice and they seemed to generally enjoy my company, which was a big change for me. Pruitt and I raced upstairs afterward, and I watched her fling herself onto her bed. I joined her and began to tickle her, just to hear her laughter again.

She was especially beautiful when she laughed, because she let everything go. Her face broke into a wide grin, and her eyes crinkled up with happiness. ‘God damn she’s cute…’ I thought to myself. I lay on my back now, throwing my arm over my eyes. I almost couldn’t take her perfection anymore. I sighed softly, and suddenly she was on top of me. I removed my arm and my eyes flew open, and she sat on my waist, with an eyebrow cocked and a devilish grin. She pretended to tickle me now, waiting for me to beg for mercy. I was about to explode when she leaned forward and placed her lips on mine. I shifted into the kiss so that I was sitting up and she was still curled around me. I placed my hands on her hips and moved my lips in synch with hers. Her lips were molten- warm and soft, but still with substance so that they held their own. They fit with me like they were made for my lips, and she moaned breathlessly into my mouth.  Her hands tangled in my hair, and I tightened my grip around her waist. She finally pulled away, her eyes wide. I reached up and softly stroked her hair again, and she smiled. A shaft of sunlight streamed in through the window just then, hitting half her face and lighting up her eyes. “You’re beautiful.” I whispered, watching her features. She looked down, embarrassed. She lifted herself off of me, and crossed the room, looking into the full length mirror there. She looked into it thoughtfully, and her tone grew rueful “You think this is beautiful ?” Her voice was an angry whisper. I looked at her bewildered. “Yes. You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen, Pruitt.” I crossed the room and turned her to face me. “And don’t ever let anyone tell you something different.” She hugged me and I pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry.” She murmured into my chest. “Don’t be,” I told her. It made me sad to think that she didn’t see herself the way I saw her- more than amazing.


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