It's Beating For You Anyway...

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Pruitt’s POV                                                                   

As I listened to Vic’s story, I became angry. He really couldn’t have told me this before ? Not even right when it happened, but plenty of times afterward. Did he not trust me ? I was suddenly glad we hadn’t had sex….because what was a relationship without trust ?

Vic called after me, but I ignored him, walking faster. I stormed into my house, pushing past my drunk father. I was in no mood to deal with either him or Vic, so I locked my door, put a blanket over the window, and started music blasting through my headphones. I lay under my blankets for hours, just thinking, trying to drown out the world with Of Mice and Men.

Somewhere in the midst of this, I fell asleep. When I woke up, my phone was blown up with texts and calls from Vic, and the world outside was dark. I removed the blanket from my window and turned off my light. I changed and settled deep under my covers, ready to sleep my life away. My phone lit up, and I watched as Vic’s picture popped up. I watched it ring, until he finally gave up and hung up. This time he had left a voicemail. Against my better judgment, I decided to listen to it.

*sniffling and muffled crying* “Pruitt ? Will you please listen to me ? I know why you’re mad, I know you think I’m crazy, I know I’m a fuck-up okay ? I’m so sorry, I’m trying to change, I’ll change for you. I’m not crazy, I swear. I’M NOT CRAZY. Please just answer the phone. Please ? Pruitt ?”

I pressed end and rolled over, still not ready to forgive him.

Of course I couldn’t sleep after hearing that, and I started questioning myself. Why was I being such a bitch ? Was I being fair ? Maybe not, but he should have told me, I could have helped him. Now he had left me with even more trust issues, and blaming myself for not being able to tell he was hurting. I sat up, sighing, knowing I wouldn’t be sleeping tonight.

I felt horrible now, like a complete bitch. I didn’t deserve Vic at all. I had turned my back on him when he needed me, only thinking of myself. I thought seriously about breaking my promise to him and running to my razor, but I called him instead.

I begged for his forgiveness, which he gave right away, although I didn’t deserve it. We had a long talk about it the whole night, discussing every detail. The rest of the week went smoothly, and on Saturday night, we finally ‘did the deed.’

It was everything I could have hoped for; it was everything it wasn’t supposed to be. It was sexy and romantic, not awkward and painful. It was one of the best nights of my life, and it definitely brought us closer together.

As the days went by, I noticed Vic seemed different now that he had told me his secret. Not necessarily happier or sadder, just…different. I couldn’t put my finger on it, and I didn’t want to bring it up again. He was definitely more comfortable around me, suddenly he was telling me every little thing on his mind. And he got passionate a lot more quickly around me too….I wasn’t sure if it was now that we had been more intimate, it made us more ‘official “ ? Maybe Vic was just opening up more, maybe he was always like this and I had never known him at all. Whatever the case, I knew now that I was in love with him. Not ‘first love’, not ‘teenage love’, not ‘I love you’, but real, true, I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU love.  The once in a lifetime love that happens in fairy tales, the kind of love you marry when you get the chance.

Two weeks later and Vic and I were better than ever. He was at my house taking care of me since I was sick. I had had the stomach flu lately, and he had been really good about helping me since my parents were on vacation. I watched as he made me chicken soup, humming to himself over the stove. My stomach heaved suddenly, and I ran to the bathroom. I vomited violently, then miserably dry-heaved. All at once, I felt suffocated; I needed to get out of this house. “Vic, I’m going on a quick walk, be back in a few.”

I hustled to the corner store, desperate to make my purchase and get back home. I had thought walking around was a good idea, but as I threw up all over the sidewalk, I decided it wasn’t. Racing back to the bathroom, I heard Vic’s footsteps follow me this time. I locked the bathroom behind me, ill once again. Vic started pounding on the door, “Pruitt ? You okay ?”

Some minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, to see Vic still waiting for me, sitting on the edge of my bed. I avoided his eyes as he questioned me. Finally, he stood, “Pruitt ?” I took a deep breath and faced him,

“I’m pregnant.”

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