There's Faith In Love

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We started back to my house, his arm wrapped around my waist. We chatted with my parents for a few minutes before making some simple sandwiches and scarfing down our lunch. I cleaned up and told Vic to head home and change, because I knew he hadn’t been home. Then I myself went upstairs to fix myself up for-Alex….

Wait a minute, why did I need to look good for him ? And why was his face ingrained in my brain, and his words imprinted on me ?

Vic’s POV

Pruitt sat up, blinking, her doe eyes wide with confusion. All three of us guys turned to gape at her. I rushed over to her, throwing my arms around her frail body. “Babe ! You scared me.” My voice was muffled by her shoulder, where my face was pressed against it. Her arms snaked around my neck and she pressed a kiss onto my lips. It was soft and quick, but it was just what I needed. Some of my anxiety drained, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Pruitt seemed to zone out a little, but she finally looked around and said “I need some air.” Alex was a little quick to accompany her, and I felt a little bit angry at how close they were becoming. They had just met, and besides, I wasn’t even sure under the circumstances they had met. But after all, her had taken her to a party already…And gotten her drunk and rugged, I thought bitterly. After they left, Jack and I got on the internet to try to figure out what drug they had ingested. He was a pretty alright guy, and I hedged him for information on the previous night, specifically details on Pruitt and Alex.

He assured me that nothing was going to happen between them; I guess he sensed my agitation and worry. Jack explained that they had all met by chance, at the park, sharing a smoke. I felt a little put-off by the fact that Pruitt went and smoked without me, that was our thing…but I told myself that I was just being a baby, and besides, I was the one who had walked out on her, literally. So anything that happened or didn’t happen, I deserved.

Alex and Pruitt had been outside for a while now, and Jack and I wandered out there ourselves to see what was up. They were both just standing on the lawn, looking out over the street. We all agreed to separate for lunch and then meet back here after. I was glad to get her away from Alex; I couldn’t stop my worry and jealously now. I wanted to talk to her privately too, so it was perfect timing. I reached for her hand, relieved when she didn’t pull away; I don’t know why I thought she would. My stomach twisted as I finally got the courage to stop her and say “We need to talk.” I watched as the color drained from her face, she looked so frightened. She was probably thinking of last night’s events, a la me running out of her house like a…well, like a little bitch.

I lightly grabbed Pruitt’s arm, and I saw understanding in her eyes. I carefully rolled up her sleeve, the sight of each cut wounding me as well. I swallowed, “Why didn’t you tell me ?” She waited a moment before answering, her eyes never leaving mine. I swear I could see all the way to my own soul when I gazed into her dark blue/grey eyes. “I was afraid of losing you.” He voice sounded strangled, but she held her ground. That statement hurt me; she knew me better than that…

 “Well I’m not going anywhere. No matter what you look like, no matter what happens to you. It’s not going to keep me from touching you or loving you, or even kissing you. To be honest, I would kiss you even if you were dead. So you have a few scars, so what ? It doesn’t make you any less beautiful, it only shows how strong and amazing you are. Scars don’t make you weak; they’re battle scars, babe. And you’re going to win this war, with me by your side.” Every word was straight from the heart, and one sentence even came straight from my lyric book. I grabbed her tiny waist, pulling her against my body. I kissed her pretty lips, trying to show her how much she meant to me. I needed to prove to her how much I needed her, and I would spend a lifetime trying to do it. Pruitt pulled away, and spoke the most perfect words to me “I love you, Vic.”

We walked casually back to her house, chatting with her parents and making lunch together. We made simple sandwiches, too hungry to care what we were eating. She offered to clean up while I ran home, which I was grateful for, much as I didn’t want to leave her. I couldn’t help but to keep sneaking glances at her, worried about her health and safety. She’ll be fine for fifteen minutes, I scolded myself.

My mom looked genuinely happy to see me as I entered my house. I kissed her on the cheek, “Hi Ma.” “Sweetie ! Did you have fun ? how was the party with Mike ?” I could see how excited she was that I ‘had a friend’ and I felt a little bad for deceiving her. I also felt a little pathetic, since I didn’t really have a friend. My mom knew about Pruitt, and I knew how happy she was that I had her, but I also know she wishes I had more guy friends like I used too. Honestly, I had missed guy time, but no one could ever replace Tony and Jaime for me, nothing could replace what I shared with them and Mike. We had just been about to start a band when we moved, and it had been our dream. Mike had had to leave his drumset behind, and I’m sure it’s still sitting in Tony’s garage. I hadn’t played guitar since we left, and that was almost two years ago. I smiled, remembering freshman year in high school. That was really the last time things were right.

I waved to Mike and my dad, who were playfully arguing over something at the table. Mike nodded at me, and I stood a little taller, still remembering how things used to be, and feeling better about my relationship with Mike since last night. I made a mental note to call up Tony and Jaime soon.

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