I Don't Care If You're Sick

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Pruitt’s POV

I stood staring at the door, hoping that maybe Vic would walk back through it, but he never did. I collapsed on my bed, with the sinking feeling that I had just lost the one good thing in my life.

I tried calling him multiple times, but he never answered. Finally around nine, I threw on a jacket and raced downstairs. “Uh, Mom, can I go to *swallow* Vic’s ?” My mom smiled at me, “Sure honey, just don’t stay out too late. I’ll call you later, okay ?” I nodded, heading for the door. I faintly heard my mom comment to my dad “He sure left in a hurry earlier.”

I walked out into the chilly night, with the intent to just walk to clear my head. I didn’t want my mom to worry if I stayed out late, so that’s why I lied. I stuck my hand in my pocket, and my hand hit a lone leftover cigarette. I decided to walk down to the park and smoke it, even though that was me and Vic’s thing. I searched my pockets for a lighter, “Shit !” I sat down on the playscape, desperately searching over and over. “Need a light ?” A male voice asked. I jumped, and the guy spoke again “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” I could barely see, but I saw enough to know he was attractive, and he was with one other guy. I nodded, and he handed me a lighter. “Mind if we join you ?” I shook my head no, afraid to speak and scare them away. We all sat around and smoked until our cigarettes were nothing but nubs. The guy had introduced himself as Alex, and his friend was Jack. “Listen,” Alex said. “We’re heading to a party, want to come ?” I shrugged, “Sure, why not ?” The guys seemed really nice, and not in a fake way. I needed to prove to myself that I could handle myself without Vic, that I would be okay without him, like he seemed to be without me…

I walked with Alex and Jack for about ten minutes, and we discovered we had about the same taste in music, and that we were pretty similar people. Chatting with them was easy and not forced, and I began to feel a little better. “So, where do you guys go to school ?” They rolled their eyes, and Jack answered “We go to Crest Hill.” I understood the eye rolling now, Crest Hill was the local private school. “That’s too bad, I go to Ridgeway.” “We should hang some time though,” Alex said with a half-smile. I nodded, “Definitely.” We exchanged numbers, and then walked up on the house having the party. It looked like a huge party, and I was kind of nervous, but Alex and Jack grabbed each of my arms and pulled me in.

Within no time, I was handed a drink and mingling. Alex stayed close by and we eventually ended up dancing together. I had no idea what my drink was, but I felt a buzz soon enough, and wanting it to last, grabbed another one. In the light, I saw just how attractive Alex really was, and I almost spit out my drink. No way he could even want to be friends with me…I downed more alcohol to drown my thoughts. I felt tipsy faster than I expected, and I wondered how potent what I had drank actually was. I checked the time, it was only ten thirty, and there were no calls from my mom.

An hour later, and I could barely stand. I hadn’t had much more to drink, but I felt wrong. Alex was in the same state, and Jack was nowhere to be found. I collapsed on the lawn, with Alex at my side. I sat up, trying to still my dizzying head. I looked out across the party, I never would have dreamed that I would go to one of these parties, it looked like a scene out of a movie- a big house, an in-ground pool, teenagers everywhere and music so loud that it could wake the dead. But, I had to admit, it was pretty cool.

Wait a minute, just how messed up was I ? I must be hallucinating, because across the party, I swear I can see-

Vic’s POV

My family could tell immediately that I had had a fight with Pruitt, and they all tried to distract me. Mike kept blabbering about some party he was going to that night with a couple of buddies, and he asked me if I wanted to come. After about an hour of his pestering, and even more time of me just sitting in my room, unable to think about anything, I agreed. “We’re leaving at ten, ‘kay bro ?” That gave me ten minutes to get my shit together. “Let me just grab my phone and I’m ready,” I said. I looked around my room and patted my pockets, realizing that I had left my phone at Pruitt’s. Well, there was no way in hell I’d be getting that back tonight…

I went to get in the car when Mike called to me from halfway around the street corner. “Bro, what the hell are you doing ? We’re walking.” “Why ?” I yelled back, confused. “We’re going to be wasted at the end of the night, dude !” Mike said, rolling his eyes and motioning for me to hurry up. I jogged over to him, kind of glad that it was just him and I for once, acting like actual brothers. I told you, Mike’s actually not half bad. I felt so strange, actually going to a party, much less a big party, with Mike, on a Friday night. I was actually a little bit…excited. I felt like a normal seventeen year old for once. Pruitt was still on my mind though, how could I forget her ? I loved her so much, and I still couldn’t believe I had just run out on her. I was just confused, and I was doped up on depression meds, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I reassured myself that things would be fine, and that everything happened for a reason.

We got to the party and I stayed close by Mike; the place was huge. His buddies were actually decent to me, and I sat with them outside by the pool, sipping a beer. I didn’t want anything stronger in case it messed with my medication. I looked at the time, surprised to find that it was already eleven-thirty. I couldn’t remember the last time I stayed out this late with friends, probably back when Jaime, Tony, Mike and I were friends, before we moved here. That had to have been freshman year in highscool, damn we had some good times. Mike pulled me out of my musings, “Hey Vic, isn’t that your girlfriend ?” He pointed across the pool, and sure enough, there was Pruitt, with another guy.

I dropped my beer bottle, and it shattered on the pavement patio. I stood to get a better look, that was definitely her, and the guy was attractive, like, really good looking. Certainly better looking than me.

“Damn it !” I swore. I had lost my chance, I blew it, someone else had already snatched her up. “Go get your girl !” Mike said, smacking me on the shoulder. I practically stomped over to her, I knew she had seen me. She was propped up on her elbows, squinting at me. The guy at her side was splayed out in the grass, oblivious. “V-Vic ?” She stuttered. She struggled to stand up. I hated myself for thinking about how beautiful she was at a time like this, but I paused a moment to stare at her anyway. Her face was pale, but her cheeks had a rosy glow, and she seemed to be having a good time. Her long hair waved down her back, and she looked like a typical, happy teenager. One who didn’t need me around.

“What are you-” She started, and I pointed at Mike. She nodded, unsure of what else to say. “It’s getting late, I should head home.” She stated awkwardly. She leaned down and shook the guy “Alex. Hey, I’m leaving now.” He sat up, “Wait. I’m coming with you.” She turned to me “Vic, this is my friend, Alex. He goes to Crest Hill. Alex, this is my….boyfriend.” It stung when she hesitated on the word “boyfriend.” Alex stood and shook my hand “Good to meet you bro.” Pruitt held onto his arm as they both stumbled along beside me. They weren’t drunk, but they had definitely been drinking. I envied the way they had made their own memories tonight, without me. I glared at her hand clutching his arm and the way they leaned on one another as we weaved our way through the party. Pruitt stumbled and fell, and I caught her before she hit the floor. She was so delicate, and I could see how tired she was. She looked really messed up and I wondered what happened before I got here, how long had she been here before me ? Another guy teetered over to Alex. “Bro. They spiked your drink.” “What ?!” Alex exclaimed.

The boy looked at Pruitt and Alex, “They drugged your drinks, guys.”

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