Chapter 45 - The End

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Brad's P.O.V
3 years on, things have changed. The boys and I are super famous- we're even going on a word tour soon. The girls broke up, they decided they couldn't find anyone to replace Ri because it wouldn't feel the same without her. They're all at University now but we still meet up all the time. Hazel hasn't got anyone but Jade has. Jade came out to us last year when she started dating Hannah, a girl she met at Uni when they first started; they're happy together.

Connor is still heartbroken. He was diagnosed with depression a few weeks after the suicide incident and hasn't recovered from her death, he hasn't even looked at another girl in that way since Ri died. I hear him crying from his bedroom or his bunk if we're on tour every night. But he's trying to cope. Tris and James are good; Tristan has a girlfriend called Anastasia and they're really happy together. James is still single. He has been getting better in dealing with things and is a lot happier than he used to be. I'm okay, I still hurt a lot from Ri's death but it could be worse. I could be Con. I can't imagine how he feels- waking up and realising he lost the love of his life every day. I'm sure he'll find another girl when he's ready. Jessie and I are still going strong, it's our 3 year anniversary next month. We couldn't be happier and I see a real future with her. I want a real future with her.

I hope Ri can see us from wherever she is right now. She knows how much everybody loves her and how we all try to keep her memory alive. Con and I wrote a song together in her memory and put it on our first album. I still go and visit her every week except if we're on tour and change her flowers and such. She didn't have to die that day but life has a funny way of deciding things.

I guess she was just a time bomb waiting to explode.
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Soooooo it's finished :'(
I may have cried a little bit writing this. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this and voted, commented and shared my story with the world. I felt like now was the right time to end it because I don't enjoy writing it as much as I used to and I've got so much going on at the moment that I wouldn't be able to write and I didn't want to leave it open ended.

If anyone could spare a minute of their lives, please comment on this chapter what you think of my story and my writing and maybe I'll start putting some miscellaneous one shots up when I've got time. Also tell me where you're from because I like to know where people are reading from.
Thank you for everything.
M xx

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