Chapter 21 - Talking To Connor / Part 1

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I walked with James outside to his car and jumped in the passenger seat. An awkward silence filled the air as he started the car and pulled out of my drive so I moved my hand over to turn the radio on. The sound of Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low softly played through the speakers so I turned it up a bit.

"Did you know that this is my favourite song?" I asked, trying (and failing) to break the tension.

"Actually, no I didn't. Mine's 'A Drop In The Ocean' by Ron Pope."

"Yeah I knew that!"

"Guess we know a lot about each other... Well more you than me."


The car was once again filled with an awkward un-breakable silence. Rain drops slowly trickled down the window like tears down the face of a broken girl. A thought about rain crept into my head and I felt the need to share it with James.

"It's a rumour that if you're going somewhere and it starts to rain, then what you're going to do isn't going to go well..." I trailed off.

"Are you going to try and get back together with him?" He asked, his grip tightening on the steering wheel the slightest bit as we turned into Connor's road.

I bit down on my lip, my eyes wandering back over to the window watching the raindrops now racing down the glass like Niagra Falls. The truth is that I really don't know what I'm going to do when I get there so I think I need a plan and fast cause we're there. I thankedJames for driving me but he just dismissed me with a wave of his hand. I hopped out and shut the door behind me, pulling my hood up to protect my frizzy hair from the rain while running up the steps to his front door.

Suddenly, a crack of lightning bolted down from the sky followed by a massive rumble of thunder just as the door flung open.



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