Oh lord, help me

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7:30 am, with the same schedule everyday. Wake up, wake my brother and get him ready ,take a shower, brush my teeth, get clothes on, eat , and walk my brother to the bus and myself to school.

I've learned to wake myself up. Only god knows where my mom is. Its an hour walk to school and I don't have a car.
I need to get to school is my only escape from my boring life at home. I basically do everything for my family. I walk my brother Jacob to school every morning, Cook, clean and anything you could think of.

At school I am a nobody, and that's how I like it. No drama, no people talking to me, it's just me and my teachers. I spend my lunches in the library reading books and my mornings helping teachers with their class lessons.
I walk into the school 8:30 am and head straight to Mrs. Smith's room. I walked in and Mrs. Smith is sitting at her desk typing on her computer.
" Hey Mrs.S, do you need any help"? I announced loudly in the quiet room
She jumped up and held her hand over her heart.
" Jesus, Aria don't do that ever again, I could have died." she yells as I laugh unattractively at her reaction.
" Sorry Mrs.s, do you need any help today"? I ask while quietly laughing to myself.
" Yes please, can you organize my classes journals, they are absolutely horrid." she explains
I don't say anything I just walk over to the table in the back of the class. There is journals on the floor and scattered everywhere in the back of the room. I mentally curse at myself for being so nice and cleaning my teachers rooms. But, I don't mind what else am I going to do. I have no friends other than my teachers and my brother.
" How's Jacob doing"? Mrs.s suddenly asked me
She is the only one who knows about my situation going on at home.
" He doing fine, he is excited about 1st grade, he says has the best grades in the class." I says happily
" That's good, how are things going on at home?"She says worried
" You know same old, same old mom coming home drunk and collapses on the living room couch." I say then sigh.
" You should talk to her she is still going through pain."
Mrs.S and my mom were best friends for a long time. 1st grade to college, they don't really talk anymore. Mrs.S is like my second mom.
" I am too, and so is Jacob but she doesn't get it!" I shout frustrated
" I better get to class, I will see you later."
" Please, just talk to her it pains me to see you like this." she says
School went by like a breeze, doing the same thing everyday.; Sit in a class get homework, and do it during lunch so I don't have to worry about it later. I go to the bus stop and see Jacob talking to a little girl around his age. She is so cute she has two pigtails and bright green eyes with black hair. I go up to them and say.
" Hey Jacob, who is your friend"? He blushes
" Hey Ria, this is Maddy she is in my class." he says shyly
" Hi Maddy."
" Hi." she says looking down blushing
" Well we gotta go, do you have a ride home."
" Yes my mommy is right there" she says pointing to a blue mini van
" Okay, bye I will see you later, c'mon Jacob."
Jacob takes my hand and we start walking away. Jacob suddenly stops and runs back to Maddy kissing her cheek and saying good bye. She gets as red as a tomato. Jacob comes back and takes my hand again and starts telling me all about Maddy and what happened in class all the way home.

Once we got home I ran a bath for Jacob and made dinner. Once Jacob was done I had a shower and then we both ate dinner. It's around 5:00 and Jacob is watching sponge bob. Then I hear a car pull up next door. That's weird no one has lived in that house since I was younger. me being the snoopy person I am, I crept to the window and started watching. I saw a large moving truck.
Neighbors ? I thought I haven't had a neighbor in a long time. Then I see a red minivan and black truck pull up. A woman with a child who looks about 5 months comes out of the red van, along with a man. I turn my head a little then I see brown hair coming out of the black truck. Then I saw him.
Damon Black
The schools bad boy, the one I have kept away from for three years is now my next door neighbor. He whips his head around and makes eye contact with me. He smirks at me. I quickly shut the curtain.
" Oh Lord, please help me."

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