Why me

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Are you kidding me? What did I ever do wrong? Why is this happening to me? Why Damon Black? Ugh, fate really likes to come and bite me in my butt.

I go over to Jacob who is laying on the couch asleep. I sigh turn off the tv and pick him up. He is still pretty light. I bring him to his room and tuck him in. I kissed his head and was about to walk out when I heard a voice.
" Ria can we meet the neighbors tomorrow"? Jacob asked half asleep
" Yes, but go to sleep we have school in the morning. "
" Goodnight, Ria"
" Goodnight, bubba" I say and slowly close his door .
I check my school bag to see if I needed to do any homework. luckily I didn't. More free time for me.
I get out my phone and start to play some music.
/ Nina - Ed Sheeran \
I layout my outfit for tomorrow and pack a lunch for Jacob and I. As I start putting up my materials I hear a door slam. I turn around to see my mother giggling and swaying back and forth.
She spots me and yells " Aria, why are you here"?
" Mother, be quiet I just put Jacob to bed, and I am not talking to you until you sober up." I speak confidently
" That is no way to talk to your mother." she shouts and starts walking towards me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
I step back afraid of what she could do while she's drunk. Suddenly she pass out on the tile floor. I sigh and drag her to the guest room on the bottom floor. I went to the kitchen got a cup of water and some aspirin, and put it on bedside table. As I am walking out I stop.
" You are not the only one who got hurt, I still love you." I whisper
Once I leave I ran straight up to my room, and sat at my window watching the sun slowly go down. I pretend to be strong for my brother but I am not. I am just a scared little girl who is afraid to show her self.
Why me? Why my family? What did I do to deserve this life?
I got into my pajamas and crawled into bed.
"Why me"? I say before closing my eyes and ascending into a deep sleep.

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