You are gonna regret that,princess

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When I woke up this morning I had a bad feeling in stomach. Like the feeling that tells you something bad is going to happen. And I have and idea that it's going to involve a certain someone.

------ skipping morning schedule-----

As I walked into the school something felt off. I ignored it and went to Mrs.smith's class. Once I got there the door was closed and the lights were off.
" I guess she not here today." I whisper to myself. Wow, did I really just talk to my self.

I go to the library and sat there until the bell rang. I left and made my way to English with Mr. Anders.

Half way during class, while we were all taking notes a student came in, whispered into Mr. Anders ear and pointed to me.
" Aria please go to the counselor's office." he spoke in a firm voice.
I scrambled to get my stuff and rushed out the room. I got ball of worry sinking in my stomach as I walking through the halls. What if they found out about my mom?

What the counselor called me in for was not what I expected at all. She held me up till lunch in her office to talk about college scholarships.
   I went to my locker to get my bag and decided to stop by the soda machine. I pulled out a dollar and fed it to the machine. It started rumbling before a Orange Crush was pushed out.
  I pulled up my bag and cracked open my soda slowly taking sips from it as I make my way to the library. Suddenly I hit a hard wall and fell back spilling my soda every where. I heard a groan of frustration come from the wall.




I cracked my eyes open and saw the one person I have been trying to avoid.

Damon Black. Why is this world so cruel?

I quickly push my self up and start apologizing over and over again.
" JUST SHUT UP ALREADY"! He growls out.
I stand there stunned, but I am not going to take his rudeness.

As my face contorts to a scowl I tell him, " I am not going to take orders from you, I just apologized several times and you just tell me to shut up, that's ridiculous you don't have to be a cocky jerk." I shout back in reply.
When I look into his I see amusement and anger flaring.
He starts walking away, but turns back to says one last comment.
" You are going to regret that, princess."
OH MY, what have I done. I should just shut my big mouth but I just had to say something else. Get ready Aria, The bad boy is coming for you.

The rest of the day I spent in the shadows of the school to make sure he didn't see me. I swear I could see him plotting my death when I looked into his eyes.
I guess I should be writing my will now.

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