7. Long Isolation

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7. Long Isolation

I sat there in my little cell for about 2 weeks. It was the perfect cell for me. No windows, no doors, just a timelock around the entire place and security guards surrounding my little metal box at all times. There is always light in here. I spend all my time deep in thought, mostly just daydreaming about my mom and the world outside. Of how the Doctor took my class to the trip. That's just it, I couldn't take my mind off the Doctor. The Lord President better have kept his word and let him go. I am always disrupted from my daydreaming by the food that comes from a small slot in the box. Three meals a day, that's more food than a usual hostage gets. They must want me for something. I am as isolated from the rest of the world as the timelords can make me without losing me. Blackholes aren't an option anymore, too many prisoners were lost by being kept in them. But wait a second, what do the timelords need me for? Some kind of weapon, but what? They haven't answered me, not even said a word to me. I think I'm going insane. I'm starting to talk to myself, and imagine that people are in front of me, well mostly the Doctor. But I sit and wait for his rescue, my death, or being taken by the timelords for experimentation. Since when did the timelords do this. We are a peaceful race. We only watch over time and make sure nothing goes wrong, we have no need for weapons, unless we are fighting a war, or are going into one. Wait wait wait wait wait... On the broadcast, didn't it say that the Daleks were acting up and that all timelords needed to protect themselves. This is all crazy, I know the Daleks hate us and we hate them and everything of that sort, but a war like that can end the entire universe and maybe even take some other universes with it. Oh no they don't.

"Let me out!" I scream hoping someone would respond. "I demand to talk to the Lord President!"

Nothing, not even the slightest shift of the box. I started pounding on the walls but it was no use. The sound only bounced off the walls and back into my ears. There was no way to reach them, maybe when my dinner arrives I can try again.

2 hours later...

The food slot opened and the I started to yell again. "I demand to speak with the Lord President! And if I can't I'll... I'll not eat anything!" There was no response. The food just stayed there, I didn't even get close to it. I had no intentions on eating until I could shout at the Lord President about his ridiculous war that would devour the entire Universe and beyond.

2 weeks later...

I have not eaten for 2 weeks. No one has been noticing and I am not hungry. There was no chatter and there were no footsteps from the outside world. I was still trapped in my little cell and no one cared. One whole month I've been stuck in here and there has been no Doctor, no death, and no experimantation. So why the hell are they keeping me like this?

All this was too much for me. No it was way past that now, it was the end of me. I would lie there curled up as a ball for hours and hours not moving from that position. When foo arrived, I didn't even look at it, and my guards didn't care at all. I haven't been drinking any water either and my body desperately needs it, but I dare not budge from my spot. They are coming in or I will die, and then regenerate, and then die again, until my regenearations run out. I know there is a way to not let the body regenerate, but I don't know how, which only makes my life as a timelord an even worst living hell.

4 weeks later...

Absolutely nothing, I'm surprise that I'm not dead. I thought starvation or dehydration woul kill, apparently not, it's the boredom that's killing me. My timelord sense of freedom and adventure is long gone, and I don't think I'll ever get it back. I now moarn about everything. Nothing will ever be the same when I get out of here, and that's exactly what the Lord President wants. Wait, exactly, they put me in here so that I would lose all those amazing senses of being free and adventurous so that I wouldn't have anything to run away for. Wow, he is clever, but sadly, his plan will never work. I have known the Doctor for such a short amount of time, but i really like him, first guy ever who I liked and that's never going to change, even if I am locked away from the rest of the world in a tiny little cell where not even light can seep through either way. They may have broken my spirit, but they will never break my love.

A few hours later...

I was peacefully dreaming about being in the TARDIS with the Doctor at my side. But even in my dreams, I had no spirit. I was just sitting there while the Doctor was ranting about something he just learned about and I just sat there and listened like every other dream. But this one was different. Two hands grabbed my arms and started to pull me away. I realised that that wasn't in the dream. I quicky awoke myself to find that an official was carrying me out of the cell. He had a hood on and I had no idea who it was. I didn't struggle, I was waiting to be taken to confront the Lord President, when the official took a different turn and started to drag me. Who is that?

"Who are you?" I asked. My voice sounded terrible I haven't spoken, not even to myself or an imaginary friend for about a month, maybe longer.

"Shhh." Said the timelord. "It's ok. I'm going to get you out." a bit later the timelord stopped and said, "Ok this isn't working. I'm going to try and carry you." It was a male voice, I was certain of it. I felt him drop my arms and place his hands under my upper back and under my knees. It took a while but he lifted me off the ground and started to walk down the corridor. He was carrying my bridal style, strange. My head rested on his shoulder as he carried me off. I tried to see who it was, but shade covered his face. It was night out, but the second sun started to rise. We didn't have much time left. I wanted to take his hood off, to see who it was but I was too weak and I didn't want to end up back in the box, so I sustained my curiosity, which I didn't lose after being 2 months in the box, actually, my curiosity grew while I stayed in there.

I heard faint yelling coming from behind, my rescuer heard it too. He quickened his pace. I looked in front of us to see the blue box. I understood who was carrying me. "Doctor." I whispered. Tears started to form in my eyes. He came back for me. The tears started to slide down my face. I was so happy to know that he still cared.

"Not now Starlit. We have to get to the TARDIS first." He said in between his breathes. He started to breathe heavily. He was not used to running and carrying someone at the same time. I looked over his shoulder to see the officials gaining. We reached the TARDIS and the Doctor put me down in front of the doors. I was almost like a doll, completely limp and lifeless. He took out the key and unlocked the doors. He quickly pushed me in as an official got a hold of him. He struggled, and more and more were on their way.

"Doctor!" I yelled. I pointed behind him and he understood what I was saying. Behind the crowd of officials, I saw the Lord President approaching. His metal hand was ready to kill the Doctor."Come on!" I yelled.

After a lot of struggling, the Doctor got free and ran right for the doors. As he was closing the door, something hit him in the right shoulder blade and he screamed in pain. It was awful, but he managed to lock the door. He slid down, holding the wound with his left hand. There was a lot of pounding against the door. He tried to get up to get to the control panel, but he couldn't.

I couldn't let both of us be captured. I turned myself over on my belly and used my arms to push me up. I could feel my entire body shake, but I got up. I carefully stood up on my feet and leaned on the control panel for support. I felt some adrenaline fill my body. I walked around the control panel and pushed some button and moved some levers, and left the brakes on. The TARDIS shook and we entered the time vortex, where the timelords wouldn't be able to find us. The shaking of the TARDIS stopped and I fell to the ground. The starvation and dehydration finally caught up with me.


Hello! Yes this is an evil chapter. I needed to show how bad the Capitol of Gallifrey would be in the beginnings of an upcomg war. Yes it will be the Time War. So I hope you liked it even though it was very evil. There is a pic of Starlit up. What do you think of her? Also pic of her on cover. I couldn't get that pic's URL for the side pic so that's why there's two, but the one on the cover was the original.

Questions, comments, concerns??? Vote if you like. Yada yada yada. Till the next chapter. Bye.

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