8. Lets Never Do That Again

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8. Lets Never Do That Again

"Doctor?" I said in my raspy voice. I probably had only moments.

"You did it. We're safe." He said. We were both badly injured, only one of us could make it, and it was going to be him, not me. He has a life after this, he deserves to live.

I saw my reflection on something shiny on the console. My face was very pale. I felt my knees give in and my grip loosened, I fell on the cold floor.

"Starlit? What's wrong?" I heard him say. I scrunched up into a ball, put my knees up to my face. My body started to shake uncontrollably. I heard the Doctor scuttle over to me. I felt him place his hand on my burning forehead. I'm ready to regenerate, not really but just thinking that makes me feel better.

"Oh no you are not." I heard him say. Was he reading my mind? "Oh yes I was." He answered.

He got up, held his wound, and ran away to another room. It wasn't very long until I heard him come back, and there was a clanking noise, some kind of pack? Med pack? I heard it land somewhere beside me. The Doctor opened it and now was squirming through it. There was a lot of rattling. "Ah ha." He said while taking something out of the bag. "Hold still." He said as I felt something poke into my arm.

Instantaneously I felt the dehydration go away. H2O filled my system once again. I didn't feel more powerful though. The Doctor and I sighed in relief simultaneously. I felt the needle come out of my arm. I started to open up a bit. I placed my hands on the floor and started to rise up. I felt the Doctor's hand on my back giving me a boost up. I sat upright feeling fine, except for my empty belly. I put a hand on it as I felt it rumble.

"Come on, lets go to the kitchen." He told me.

I moved my hands up the console and grabbed onto something so I could lift myself up. It was weird to feel blood rush back to them. It felt kinda nice actually. I turned to face a corridor that led to the kitchen. I placed my right foot in front of me, then my left, and before I knew it, I was slowly limping my way over there. I heard the rattling noise again. I turned to find the Doctor lifting a bag up over his shoulder but he didn't succeed. I limped back over to him and took the bag from him carrying it over my shoulder. It was fairly light.

"You don't have to, I'm fine-" he started talking but I cut him off.

"No Doctor. You're in more pain than me right now. I think I can manage." I said and started to walk to the hallway. "So where does this go?"

"Um, take the corridor, a left, two rights, you'll see a broom closet there. That's where it goes." He said while looking at me in shock. Did I do something?

I started to walk down the corridor, made a left, one, two rights, I walked down the last corridor, and found the little closet. I opened the door and threw the bag in. It landed with a big thud and many brooms that were in there fell also.

I made my way back to the main corridor and started walking down it until I found two green doors that open either way that have a gold plaque on them that says 'kitchen'.

I pushed them open and entered. It was huge, about as big as the console room, but that room isn't very big either. There was a raised level where the dining table stood. A dark wooden table with matching chairs around it. About six chairs around it. The kitchen stood at the other side. There were cupboards filled with goodies and a fully stocked refrigerator.

I found some random food from all over the universe. I took a big plate and loaded it up with anything I could find. I warmed up all the food and made myself some toast and got a vanilla Coca Cola. I never had Coca Cola, wonder what it takes like.

I settled down at the table and began to chew through everything I loaded. There was good tastes and bad tastes and tastes that I never could've imagined. I never felt more full in my life.

The door opened behind me. I turned to find the Doctor entering. He was all healed up, no more wound on his right shoulder.

"Doctor? What happened to your wound?" I asked him.

"I fixed it." He replied.

"But there was no medical equipment in the console room. How?" I asked getting up out of my chair and approaching the Doctor.

"When I was younger, my parents taught me a trick on how to fix small non fatal wound without using too much regeneration energy." He started. He put out his hand and light yellow dust like particles where spreading around his hand, regeneration energy. "Just used some of this and it was gone. New cells and more muscle there too." He continued. I came closer to him and felt the new healed spot. It was amazing, I never thought about using regeneration energy for that. "We have some talking to do." He said as he started to walk over to the kitchen and get a banana.

He sat at the table across from where my plate was. I sat down a moment after he did and continued eating.

"How long were you stuck?" He asked in a casual manner.

"About two months. Curse my timelord head for counting." I said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. At least they didn't get to me first."

"I know, but I could've come sooner."

"But you came later, and I'm happy you came."

"I don't know. It's just-"

"No. Look at me. I'm fine."

"Then why did you dehydrate and started yourself?"

"Cause I needed to talk to The Lord President."


"There's a war coming. He doesn't-"

"What war?"

"I don't know. I just heard about a war between Daleks and Timelords."

"They're not going to listen to us."

"No, we are the two outlaws. As soon as they see us, we go to prison and never come out. And that's a fact."

"Then what do we do?"

"Avoid it. Fly away. Run."

"I couldn't agree more. So where did you send the TARDIS?"

"I just set it to the time vortex. They won't be able to find us here."

"Good thinking."

"Why thank you." I said. I stood up and did a little curtsy, the Doctor laughed while I picked up my empty coke can and my plate. I threw the can into the garbage and placed the dish in the sink. It was a cool sink. It washed dishes and put them away without a click of a button.

"So... Do you want to-" the Doctor started and I knew what he was gonna say.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"Travel with me." He ended.

"Really? I can come."

"Yea. Why not, we are both on the run. Right?" He said.

"OMG. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!" I exclaimed as I flew into his arms. I held him tight and hugged back.


Hello. Any adventures you want them to go on??? Any monsters to fight? Anything?

And plz vote or comment so I can be more excited about writing this. I'm only getting reads on this. So plz vote, comment. It helps me a lot. :D

Questions, comments, concerns??? Vote if you like. Yada Yada Yada. Till the next chapter. Bye.

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