17. Strange Job

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17. Strange Job

Adipose Industries has progressed to high standards. One million people are buying the product in the UK alone. It won't be long until it spreads worldwide. Ms. Foster has been very pleased but she was not yet satisfied. The employees started to work overtime just to keep up with her needs. In my opinion, I believe that she is going a bit crazy from all this money and power. It's frightening to see her that way. But none the less, I kept working on improving the pills and got a high salary.

A house in the neighborhood turned up for sale and I calculated that I had enough money so Donna and I became close neighbors. She would always come over and ask me about my job and I would question her about that mysterious John Smith. He literally popped up and then vanished as though he never came. Not a single footprint was left behind by him. All Donna says about him is that he just turned up and offered to help. 'A normal bloke' she stated. But I didn't fall for it, there was something else, something apart from the strange simple name, I just couldn't put a finger on it.

Sometime later, press really started to show up to the company and ask all these questions that all had classified answers. Some so classified that I didn't know about it. Later, newspapers and the news started finding it as a mystery, the mysterious pill but no one payed attention, they just loved that they were shedding those kilos so easily. When Donna started asking an insane amount of questions I kept telling her that it was classified. She would never listen though. She simply started pounding me down with even more questions. Ugh.

So started a new day of work, just like the rest. Woke up at 5am to get ready for work. Took a nice shower. Looked at my eyes that only had a tiny strip of black in both of them. Other than that they were a deep orange color that matched my hair. Ate a quick breakfast that consisted of Cocoa Puffs. Not much but whatever. Got dressed all fancy and headed for Donna's place. She was already in the car gesturing me to hurry up. I started to speed walk to her.

"What's the rush?" I asked her.

"Moms coming."

"Step on it."

She drove out and headed for the new and huge Adipose Industries building. She has been begging for a tour in forever so I finally got a day to myself to show her around. Donna wasted no time at all.

I led her to a huge conference room where many other reporters, scientists and others were already seated. A quick video was played and Ms. Foster got up to do a short speech.

A young reporter lady asked her about how she knew her pills weren't just as fake as all the rest that were on the market. That's when Ms. Foster gestured to me and I talked about the simple version of why. "Do basically, we have found these special chemicals that when combined will locate whatever it is programmed to find, collect and dispose of it. The fat as they say-" I pointed to the screen.

"The fat just walks away." Said a computer voice.

All were gestured to go to the next room for the continuation of the tour.

"Donna. I gotta check something out. Just follow them and just don't get into trouble." I pleaded hoping that she would listen for once in her life.

"Yes mam. No getting into trouble." She replied.

"Thank you. I'll be back as soon as possible." I went back to my office after remembering some work that I needed to complete when I saw a figure speed walk by my door. A long brown trench coat at the end. I ran up to the door to find no one there. I must just have been seeing things. I sure hoped that was normal too.

I worked on figuring out an equation to the pills and when I looked at the clock, it was already 8pm. I quickly packed all my stuff and started to head out when Ms. Foster came in wiht her two body guards.

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