9. A Complicated Trip

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9. A Complicated Trip

"Um... Doctor. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure the TARDIS isn't supposed to do that." I told him calmly.

"Hey! I'm the one who almost passed my tests." He rejected.

"Almost." I mocked him.

Out of nowhere the TARDIS started shaking out of control. "Doctor!" I yelled at him. There was barely anything to hang on to. One huge jerk and I fell to the floor.

I heard the TARDIS materialize, since the Doctor leaves the brakes on when he flies her. "Woah, you okay?" He asked as he offered me a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are we?" I asked as he hoisted me up.

"I don't know." He said surprised.

"But you landed her."

"Yes, and I have no idea where."

"Should've known."

I rushed over to the door, the Doctor followed right behind me. "Earth. Of all the Universe it has to be Earth." I told him a bit disappointed.

"Hey. I'm the one who almost passed my driving exams." He emphasized the word almost.

"Yes but you can try a bit harder to fly her correctly."

"Are we really having this conversation right now?"

"Apparently we are."

We keep walking along a busy street. I believe that it's New York. Definitely a nice city. Except for all the pushing. I almost fell to the ground, twice.

"Doctor, we should go a different way."

"Agreed." He replies. We swerve off into an alley. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Quite a first trip." I reply.

"Well, that's New York for you."

I chuckle at the comment. All terrified scream quickly echoes through the alley. The Doctor looks at me and I give him the 'let's go check it out' look. He silently agrees and we run to where the sound came from.

On the ground lay the body of a young girl, at least 13 years old. My expression was filled with horror. "Why would anyone do this?"

"I don't know. We should get back to the TARDIS." He told me.

"No. We should figure out who did this." I told him.

"We can be killed." He almost yelled.

"Where is that sense of adventure? You always have it, where did it go?" I asked him. He looked down.

"I don't know." He replied. He was trying to hide something, trying to lie, but it didn't work.

It didn't matter to me at the moment. I kneeled down by the little girl. I examined her, tried to find out how she died. Actually it was rather simple.

"Her heart got ripped out." I say out loud.

"By what exactly?" The Doctor said.

He was answered by a terrifying growl. I quickly stood up and faced the creature. It looked like a dog, but a very large one. It's teeth were covered in blood, it's whole face was covered in blood. Probably the little girls. I looked at the Doctor, his face was filled with horror, extremely priceless.

"Um... Doctor, isn't that a..." I whispered to him.

"A Zask, yeah." He finished the sentence.

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