Whispers of Betrayal

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Mailee was well into her third trimester, and during her latest check-up, everything seemed to be progressing smoothly. The doctor marvelled at how well her pregnancy was going, remarking that the baby boy was in excellent health and showing an impressive level of activity. The 4D ultrasound provided a clear and heartwarming view of their baby, his tiny hands and feet moving energetically. The doctor even predicted a smooth delivery, given how strong and stable Mailee's condition appeared to be.

Victoria, who had accompanied Mailee to the appointment, felt a strange sense of unease. Despite the doctor's assurances, something didn't sit right with her. As she watched Mailee's serene expression during the ultrasound, a nagging feeling tugged at her gut. Why did everything seem so perfect? Victoria's instincts told her that something was amiss, and she couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than just paranoia.

Later that day, whispers from the household staff began to reach Victoria's ears. They spoke in hushed tones about how Sebastian had been particularly attentive to Mailee, ensuring her comfort and well-being. This news sent a jolt of anger through Victoria. The idea that Sebastian might be growing attached to Mailee—or worse, that Mailee was encouraging this attention—was unbearable.

Determined to take control of the situation, Victoria stormed to the doctor's office, demanding to know about the safety of early delivery. "Is there any way to induce labour early? What are the risks?" she questioned, her voice laced with urgency.

The doctor, slightly taken aback by her intensity, responded carefully. "Inducing labour before full term can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby, Mrs. Caldwell. We must ensure that the child is fully developed before considering such measures even though the host is strong and the baby is of a really good weight. Is there a particular reason you're asking?"

Victoria didn't respond to his inquiry, instead, she pressed on. "And if there were no other choice? What could be done?"

Before the doctor could answer, the midwife who had been listening nearby intervened. After Victoria left, the midwife quietly approached Victoria, offering her advice on how to "naturally" induce labour. "If you're feeling discomfort or ready to meet your little one early, there are some methods we can try," she suggested, her tone almost conspiratorial. The midwife assured her using her so many years of experience that both Mailee and her son would be safe and sound for Mailee was so heavily pregnant and the weight of her son was really good.

Meanwhile, Victoria was plotting something far more sinister. She knew that Sebastian would soon be leaving for a business trip, and she saw this as her opportunity. The morning of his departure, Sebastian visited Mailee, his concern for her evident. "I'll be back soon," he assured her, placing a gentle hand on her belly. "Take care of yourself and our son."

Victoria watched this exchange with cold eyes, a plan already forming in her mind. As soon as Sebastian left, she returned to the house, bringing the midwife with her. That evening, Victoria entered Mailee's room, her presence dark and foreboding.

Mailee looked up, startled. "Yes?" she stammered.

Mailee, unaware of Victoria's growing hostility, listened with a mix of curiosity and concern. The midwife presented a small bottle of herbal medicine and a rather unsettling-looking device.

"This is a toy," she explained, showing Mailee the clitoral stimulator and the silicone penis designed for thrusting movements. "It's been known to help speed things along."

Mailee's eyes widened in shock, but before she could protest, the midwife added, "I can assist you if you'd like. We just want to make sure everything goes smoothly, don't we?"

Without warning, Victoria slapped her hard across the face. The force of the blow made Mailee gasp, tears springing to her eyes. "I've heard whispers that you've been trying to seduce my husband," Victoria spat, her voice dripping with venom. "Know your place."

Mailee was too shocked to respond, but Victoria wasn't finished. She grabbed Mailee's hand, yanking her to her feet. "What are you up to?" Victoria demanded, her grip tightening painfully. "If you breathe a word of this to Sebastian, I'll make sure you disappear. Do you understand?"

Tears streamed down Mailee's cheeks as she nodded, fear paralyzing her. Victoria released her with a shove, pulling out the complex toy and the bottle of medicine. "What are those? What are you trying to do?" Mailee asked, her voice trembling.

"Nothing much, just helping you deliver sooner and faster," Victoria replied with icy calm, a twisted smile playing on her lips.

Victoria forced Mailee onto the bed, her movements rough and unkind. Mailee tried to resist, but Victoria was relentless, leaving Mailee no choice but to submit. She felt a cold sweat break out on her skin as Victoria roughly bound her hands, ensuring she couldn't fight back. Mailee clamped her legs together in a desperate attempt to protect herself, but it was futile. The midwife, acting under Victoria's orders, forcefully spread her legs wide, securing them with straps.

As Victoria looked down at Mailee's vulnerable form, she sneered, "Looks like all that yoga is paying off." She pulled Mailee's panties aside, her expression one of disgust. "How can yours be so dry and ugly?" she muttered. "Lucky I'm not the one carrying this little prince to term."

Mailee began to feel a tightness in her chest, a mix of fear and stress overwhelming her. The midwife, sensing her distress, reassured Victoria. "She's fine," the midwife said, her voice calm and professional. "This will help get things started."

The midwife then produced a smaller device, a nipple stimulator. "Let's start with this so we can get some natural moisture going," she suggested, placing the device on Mailee's sensitive skin.

Mailee's body reacted involuntarily to the stimulation, her breathing growing ragged as the device worked its cruel magic. Her skin tingled, and despite her fear, she felt a warmth spreading through her, her body betraying her emotions. Victoria watched with sadistic pleasure, enjoying the view of Mailee's helplessness and her reactions.

The midwife focused on the task and continued to monitor Mailee and the baby's safety. Despite the darkness of the situation, her professionalism remained intact, ensuring that the child was not at risk.

Mailee's tears flowed freely, her body trembling as she endured the torment. Victoria's gaze remained fixed on her, cold and calculating. "This is just the beginning," Victoria whispered, leaning in close. "Remember, Mailee, you're nothing but a vessel. You will give birth to this child, and then you will be nothing." Mailee could only sob

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