The Big Lie

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Hey so I had to delete my other story and start this new one. But I won't be saying something at the beginning


Jona Bababuta:She and her sisters were adopted from the "Big Apple".She's the oldest of the sisters.She has brown eyes and black hair.She's 18 years old.Her and her sisters go to a high school named"Star High"

Louise Genovana:She is 17.She is over protecting but her sisters love that about her.She has black hair and brown eyes.

Devilin Kinian:She loves to make jokes but she apologizes right away.She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is also 17.

Joylani Phynid:She has a bit of a thing for challenges. She has brown hair and black eyes. She's 16.

Leanna Cruz:She like a wises person. Brown hair and brown eyes. 15 years old.

Bill Quenga:He used to go to "Star High" but, he transfered to "Bull High".Jona has a real big crush on him.

Kyzaiah Babauta:I know what your thinking "omg,Jona is related to him but, she's not.He loves lieing.

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