Go Talk To Him!!!

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Later that day when Jona found out Bill was there and that he knew about everything.Jona and Devilin were in math class.After they got out,all the girls met at the front of the school where the Freshmen's hang out. They saw Bill hanging out with his friends. He dosn't need to make friends he has transferred a few times and when he transfers his friends will always be with him.

The girls forced Jona to go talk to him.Jona was to nervous to go talk to him.So the girls went over to the table where the boys were sitting at and told them to go away until they said they can come back.The boys listened to them mostly because the boys were the boyfriends of the girls so they would always say the girls is always right.Then Jona went to talk to Bill.

Jona said,"Hello Bill."

''Hi Jona.'' Bill said.

"Who told you?" Jona asked.

"Kizaiah." Bill replied.

"I hate him!" she mumbled to herself.

 "Anyway do you want to go out Friday?" Bill asked.

"Sure,pick me up at 8:00?" Jona asked.

"Yeah, see you later." Bill replied.

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