Three Times Is Enough

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It was Monday and the girls were hoping that Kizaiah didn't do anything to humiliate Jona. When the girls walked in, everyone was whispering and staring. That's when the girls knew something was up. While the girls were walking down the hall, they herd Kyzaiah yelling, Jona LOVES Bill. Once again, Jona ran straight to the girls restroom. All the girls except for Lieanna went to look for Kizaiah cause he ran after he saw the girls.

"Jona, the other girls are gonna get Kizaiah and give him the taste of his own medicine." Lieanna said.Jona came out of the stall and Leianna helped clean Jonas makeup cause she looked horrible.When they came out they saw the girls punching Kizaiah.Then Jona came up to Kizaiah and said,"This shit has got to stop the freakin next time you do this things are gonna get ugly.

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