Not a Normal Day

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It's a Wednesday,the girls were walking in school. Jona was freaked out because everyone was looking at her in a very disturbing way. When she finally got to her locker,she saw a paper showing a picture of her and Bill. It said "Does Jona Have a Crush ON Bill Quenga?" She was terrified.Jona ran straight to the girls restroom,Louise and Leianna followed her.Devilin and Joylani went looking for Kizaiah cause they knew he did this.Jona was crying in one of the stalls.

Leianna said, "Jona,the other girls went looking for Kizaiah if that makes you feel any better." Then the two tall girls found Kizaiah then pushed him against the locker.

"Why did you do that to our sister!", Devilin yelled.

Joylani said, "If you ever do that again I will punch you.Infact I'll punch you harder than anything else that hurt your ass." The girls wen't back to see that Jona was all right. Devilin told Jona what happened.

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